Art Investment



August 21, 1836 (s Forest near St. Petersburg) - August 13, 1913 (Clearwater, Florida, USA)

sculptor, painter, graphic artist

was born in the family of the Director of the Forest and land-surveying institute. He was educated at home. In 1852 joined the IAH, where he studied sculpture in the class, first under the guidance of Professor Ivan Vitali, and from 1855 - N. Pimenov. During training received four silver medals for drawings and stucco work, including a bas-relief of a given program by the IAH Achilles drags Hector's body ", presented at an academic exhibition 1857. In 1859, for the bas-relief program "Kvintsiyu Cincinnati Roman messengers bring news of his election as dictator," was awarded a small gold medal. A year later, successfully competed for a gold medal on the program "Return of Regula from Rome to Carthage, the artist received a certificate of degree 1 and the right to a pensioner's trip abroad for six years.

In 1861 withdrew death mask Shevchenko. Worked on the busts of Shevchenko and F. Bruni, who presented to an academic exhibition 1862. In 1863 he exhibited in the halls of IAH plaster statue of "The Boy sculptor", which brought Kamenski fame. Alexander II ordered the author to execute it in marble, and plaster copy was purchased for the academic museum. In the same year as a pensioner IAH sent to Italy. Along the way, visited Berlin, Dresden, Munich, Paris. Settled in Carrara, where mastering the technique of marble cutting. A year later he moved to Florence, where he lived and worked until the end of pensionerstva.

In 1868, for the sculptural group "A widow with a child", was sent to the exhibition IAH, was awarded the title of academician. At the end of 1869 he returned to St. Petersburg in 1869-1870 had a solo exhibition presenting sculpture there "first step", which was marked by Alexander II and ordered Kamenski in marble. In the same year for the performance of the highest order is sent again to Florence, where in addition to the above-mentioned order also created the sculpture "Gribovnitsa" for Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna. In 1871, this product is sent to the first exhibition TPHV.

In 1872 he returned to St. Petersburg. In 1873, together with her daughter had gone to America. Settling in Kansas, was engaged in farming. In 1881 he moved to Florida, returned to creative activity. In 1889 he took part in the competition for the sculpture and decoration of the Capitol building in Kansas. In 1893 worked on the sculptural decoration of the pavilions of the World Exhibition in Chicago, where at the suggestion of IAH in charge of Russian Art Department.

Kamensky - a prominent sculptor of the second half of the XIX century, whose work is related with the development of realism in Russian art. Master sought to transfer phenomena and the types of everyday life, seeking in its unpretentious on The monument forms soft, colorful light-shadow modelirovok and accurate transmission of motion.

Works Kamensky are in many museum collections, including the State Russian Museum, State Tretyakov Gallery, the Scientific Research Museum of Russia Academy of Arts.

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