Art Investment

Ladur Antonina Kazimirovna


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Kantovt-Pukinskaya


IMMEDIATE (nee @the mdas Kantot-Пукинская) Antonina Kazimirovna

31 декабря 1908 (Bykovym Mogilev province) — 1986 (Moscow)

the decorative Artist-прикладного art, graphic artist, painter, scenographer

he Studied at the Leningrad art-промышленном College (1925-1927) Н. И. Дормидонтова then — at the Odessa art Institute (1927-1931) В. Х. Заузе and М. М. Жука.

live in Moscow (1935). Was married to a famous artist-оформителем М. Ф. Ладуром. Together with her husband engaged in architectural-декоративным the design of the pavilions and exhibitions, sports parades and celebrations, created posters, sketches of theatrical scenery and costumes. In collaboration with М. Ф. Ладуром completed the design of the ballet Б. В. Асафьева "the fountain of Bakhchisarai" in the Green theater Gorky Park. Bitter, gymnastic parade at the stadium "Dynamo" (1947), the painting of the pavilion for the USSR agricultural exhibition in Moscow (1954).

Worked in ceramics; executed decorative wall compositions, plaques, dishes, plates, pots. The author of vases "Kara-Кумы" (1962); saucer "Old" (1963); decorative compositions — "Before the storm" (1963), "Karakalpak girl" (1964), "Madonna of the Karakalpak", "Geologists", "Skier" (all — 1968); colored pots "Mask" (1967) and others.

was Engaged in easel painting (oil, watercolor, pastel) and drawings (pencil, linocut). Executed landscapes, still lifes, genre compositions, in particular colored linocuts "Evening (the Kremlin)" (1963), "the CES-кет-кент (three trees)", "Prospectors" (both — 1964) and others.

From 1931 — participated in exhibitions. He showed his works at exhibitions: works by women-художниц International women's day 8 марта 1952 года (1952), decorative arts (1955) in Moscow. His personal exhibitions were held in Nukus (1964) and Moscow (1969; 1979 — in conjunction with М. Ф. Ладуром)

a member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Honored worker of art of the Karakalpak ASSR. Participated in the preparation of the publication "М. Ф. Ладур. Art for the millions. Notes of an artist" (Moscow, 1983).

In 2001 в Moscow was held the exhibition "artists of the Immediate. Three generations. Mikhail Filippovich Immediate (1903-1986). Antonina Kazimirovna Immediate (1908-1986). Anatoly and Darya Immediate Immediate. Painting, pastel, ceramics, glass, graphic designs".

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State Museum of ceramics and the manor Kuskovo XVIII century, the State Museum-заповеднике "Tsaritsyno", the Karakalpak state Museum of art. И. В. Савицкого and others.

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