Art Investment


WHITING Nicholas I.

20 декабря 1910 (2 января 1911, Bryansk) — 8 июня 1991 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist, set designer

she Attended courses at the Central house of artistic education of children (1927-1928) И. К. Юона, К. Ф. Морозова; in the Studio at the society "Shop painters" (1928-1932) К. Н. Суряева, Н. Ф. Фролова; in the Studio of drawing at the Club theatre workers in Moscow (1933) В. А. Фаворского. The advice А. В. Шевченко. He continued his education at the Moscow Institute of fine arts — Moscow state art Institute (1934-1942) П. Я. Павлинова, С. В. Герасимова.

he Lived in Moscow. Executed genre paintings, portraits, still lifes. He worked in watercolour and gouache, linocuts, lithographs. In 1930-1932 — artist in the Moscow theatre for children, 1932-1935 @the guide mdas in the State Tretyakov gallery.

during the great Patriotic war as an artist Studio. М. Б. Грекова was on the South and Bryansk fronts (1943); completed the series "Western front" (1943, watercolor), "southern front" (1943, watercolor and lithography). In 1943-1945 работал in the Military-Морском publishing. In 1950-60-е doing lithography in Experimental Studio in Verkhnyaya Maslovka.

Completed paintings: "Intervention" (1929), "bathers" (1932), "А. С. Пушкин" (1938); linocuts "Repair of tram ways" (1929), "the Arrest of the Kiev revolutionary Committee" (1934); auction "Railway from Moscow" (1962-1964), "rainbow" (1965); watercolors and gouaches "In the shop of the Tula arms factory. 1919 год" (1955), "Presentation of an ultimatum to the Provisional government" (1958) and others. Author graphic series: based on the novel Н. А. Островского "Born of the storm" (1950, sanguine, coal), "Loggers" (1959, gouache).

Illustrated and designed books for Detgiz, Goslitizdat, publishing house "Young guard": "Break" И. А. Гончарова (1946, 1950), "Malyshok" И. И. Ликстанова (1947), "Inspired by the explorers" А. Д. Поповского (1953), "Roslavlev, or Russians in 1812 году" М. Н. Загоскина (1955), "Hannibal" Д. Линдсея (1962), "Torch" У. Пенфилда (1964).

From 1930 — participated in exhibitions. Member and Exhibitor associations "Workshop of painters" (1930), the Union of art workers (1931-1932, member of-учредитель), MSCH — MOSH (1942). Exhibited: young artists of Moscow (1934), the all-Union exhibition of young artists dedicated to the 20-летию the Komsomol (1939), Spring exhibition of mossh (1955), 6-й exhibition of works by book artists (1957), "On the roads of war" (1958), Moscow artists working on the theme of railway transport (1959), all-Union art exhibition (1948 — "40 лет of the Komsomol"), watercolours and ceramics by Moscow artists (1960), of Moscow artists (1960, 1961, 1963 — "Moscow — the capital of our country", 1964), "15 лет since the victory of the" (1961), a print of the Moscow artists (1961, 1966, 1967), "Physical culture and sport in fine art" (1962), Art exhibition by 25-летию of the defeat of the-фашистских troops near Moscow (1966) in Moscow and others. Held a personal exhibition in Moscow (1977).

Personal (posthumous) exhibition was held in Moscow (1992, 2010 — in conjunction with Б. В. Костроминым).

Work is represented in many Museum collections, among them — of the State Tretyakov gallery, the Pushkin Museum im. А. С. Пушкина and others.

1. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Painting of the first half of the twentieth century. M., 2009, vol. 6, kN. 1. S. 136.
2. Directory of members of Union of artists of the USSR as of 1 апреля 1988 года. M., 1989. S. 282.
3. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1972, vol. 2. S. 288.

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