Art Investment


Bashkirtseva Mary K.

November 11, 1860 (estate Gavrontsy near Poltava Kharkiv province) - October 31, 1884 (Paris)

painter, graphic artist, sculptor

born in the family of the landlord, the leader of the Poltava nobility. He spent his childhood in his grandfather's estate. In 1870 his mother moved to Nice. Original art education was under the supervision of artist F. Binza. From 1876 she lived in Rome for some time took lessons in painting and drawings from VA Kotarbinskogo. In autumn 1877 she moved to Paris. Received the Academy R. Julien, studied with T. Hubert Robert-Fleury. In 1879 he was awarded the medal for the drawing contest at the High School of Fine Arts.

in early 1881 after the execution of the picture "In the studio, Julien began to work independently, coming to the studio only for consultation. Experienced the influence of Jean Bastien-Lepage. In those same years, turned to sculpture, the advice of R. Saint-Marceau.

At the end of 1881 made a trip to Spain. Repeatedly visited Russia, where she lived in his father's estate.

worked as a portraitist, landscape painter, created the genre paintings, still life, appealed to the compositions from the Gospels and historical themes. She studied etching, pastel. Exhibited his work in the Paris Salon, in 1883 for "head" was in Show "honorable opinion. Since 1883 - Member of the Union of Women Painters and Sculptors in 1884 - Member of the Society SUPPORT mutual charity and Russian artists in Paris. Was in correspondence with G. de Maupassant, E. Zola, Anatole France.

died of tuberculosis; buried in the Passy Cemetery in Paris. The author's unfinished manuscript "History of famous women. I left memoirs (diary) and a significant epistolary heritage.

memorial exhibition of the artist held in Paris (1885) and Amsterdam (1887). Retrospective exhibitions were organized in Leningrad (1929), Poltava (1985), Nice (1995, 2008).

Despite the extremely short period of creativity, Bashkirtseva left considerable artistic heritage, which is about 150 paintings, 200 drawings and watercolors. The works of the artist are in many museum and private collections - at the State Russian Museum, State Tretyakov Gallery, the Louvre, the Luxembourg Museum, the Museum d'Orsay in Paris, the Art Museum in Nice and others.

More about Mary Konstantinovna Bashkirtseva can be read here.

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