Art Investment


EFIMOV Vasily Pavlovich

12 мая 1925 (village Rosina Leningrad province) — ?


he Studied at the Leningrad art-педагогическом College (1947-1951), the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named after. И. Е. Репина (1952-1959) М. А. Таранова and А. Ф. Пахомова; in 1959 he defended his thesis on "working People" (linocut).

he Lived in Leningrad. He worked primarily as a portraitist. Created graphic series: "the Workers of the Volga hydroelectric power station" (1955; ink, pen, charcoal, watercolor), "the Outstanding composers of Estonia" (1955; pastel, charcoal), "Friends-художники" (1957; coal). He was engaged in lithography, linocut. Performed compositions: "On the Neva", "At the airport" (both — 1966; coloured lithograph), based on the folk tales "the Gingerbread man" and "Zaykin hut" (1974; linocut) and paintings for the album "adventure in the mountains" (M., 1961, кн. 1).

1950 — participated in exhibitions. Exhibited works at exhibitions in Brazil and Mexico (both — 1961).

he Taught at the art Studio at the Leningrad pedagogical Institute (1958-1962). Author of memoirs and a number of articles on art: "About friends-художниках" ("Neva", 1958, No. 8), "Miguel Viladrich" ("Foreign literature", 1962, No. 2), "Eternal flame of Mexico" ("Neva", 1968, No. 5). The compiler of the album "Д. Сикейрос" (Leningrad, 1969).

Услуги ARTinvestment


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