Art Investment


NAGAEVSKAYA (Nagaevskaya) Elena Varnakova

21 мая (3 июня) 1900 (Eprintseva village of Orenburg province) — 1990 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist, art historian

From a peasant family. He graduated from high school in Sittwe, the Mariinsky four-year normal school (1918). He studied at the faculty of social Sciences 1-м Central Asian University in Tashkent (1920-1924), then in Moscow: course on painting fabrics (1927), the triennial Isoproturon (1927-1930) Н. А. Удальцовой studios Н. А. Удальцовой and А. В. Лентулова (1930-е), in a landscape workshop of the Institute for training artists-живописцев and decorators in Moscow (1940-1941), Moscow state University. М. В. Ломоносова (1945-1949) at the art Department of the philological faculty.

she Lived in Moscow, from 1937 — in Bakhchisarai (Crimea) and Moscow. She was married to artist and art historian А. Г. Роммом. In the late 1920-х became friendly with the members of the society of Moscow artists (former members of the Association "Jack of diamonds") and "the Thirteen" group. Completed a series of cubist compositions and works in the spirit of "Moscow sezannizma": "In the future (rocket)", "cityscape (Moscow)" (both — 1928), "Composition with three figures" (1928-1930), "still life with red jug" (1929), "landscape with a dirigible", "self-Portrait" (both — 1930), "Moscow. Tsvetnoy Boulevard" (1933) and others.

In 1937 met К. Ф. Богаевским experienced in his work, his influence. In the postwar years, the advice А. В. Куприна worked with him in Bakhchisarai. Created genre compositions, landscapes, still lifes. The author of cycles of "Bakhchisarai and its surroundings", "Koktebel" (1950-60-е), "Gurzuf" (1960-70-е). In 1968-1972 he worked regularly on a creative summer residence. Д. Н. Кардовского in Pereslavl-Залесском, completed painting and graphic series "Russian North" (1968-1972). In 1960-80-х has also created a series of abstract compositions.

From 1932 — participant of exhibitions (exhibition of the municipal Committee of painters in Moscow). Member of mosskh (SSH, MOSH). Exhibited: young artists in Moscow (1934), women-художниц International women's day (1939), the Moscow city an exhibition of painting and sculpture (1946, 1947), Moscow artists to the XXII Congress (1959), women-художниц (1960, 1961) in Moscow; artists of the Crimea (1952), Autumn exhibition of works of artists of the Crimea (1955), the Crimean regional art exhibition (1960), "Spring palette" (1971, 1973), Regional art exhibition, on International women's day 8 марта (1975) in Simferopol. His personal exhibitions were held in Bakhchisaray (1959, 1962), houses of culture of the village of Old Crimea (1962), village of Produsele (1962), Moscow (1964), Pereslavl-Залесском (1968, 1969), Sevastopol (1970, 1980), Simferopol (1971).

Participated in the publication: "Russian art. Essays on the life and work of artists of the second half of the nineteenth century" (M., 1954, reprint — 1971). Author of monographs: "Ivan Petrovich Vitali. 1794-1855" (M., 1950), "O. M. Manuilova. Life and work" (Frunze, 1965); guide "Bakhchisarai and its surroundings" (Simferopol, 1968; reissue — 1976, 1979); of many articles on art.

a Memorial exhibition of the artist "the Symphony of colours of the Crimea" was held in 2010 в Simferopol.

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State Russian Museum, Novokuznetsk art Museum, Historical-художественном and architectural Museum-заповеднике "New Jerusalem", Sevastopol art Museum n. a. М. П. Крошицкого Kiev national Museum of Russian art, Karakalpak state Museum of art. И. В. Савицкого in Nukus and other. In Bakhchisarai opened Memorial-художественный Museum Е. В. Нагаевской and А. Г. Ромма.

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