Art Investment


BOOL Nicholas Roerich (Nikolai von)

1860 (Moscow) — 1938 (?)

Painter, graphic artist

Biographical details are scarce. Attended classes at the Imperial Academy of arts (1882-1884).

Lived in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Worked as the assistant to the head, 1898-1901 — part of the tech head of the Moscow office of Imperial theaters in 1901-1910 — Manager of the Moscow office.

Worked as a landscape painter, genre painter. Drew for the magazine "the North" (1889-1890-е). The author of the watercolors: "the fortress", "Anichkov bridge", "the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg", "Tavern", "Abandoned house" (all — 1890-е), "the Potter" (1909), "Sea", "Artist О. В. Гзовская your section of the country Aivazovsky in Sudak in 1917 году" (all — 1910-е).

Exhibited: the Society of Russian watercolorists (1893-1896, 1909), the Petrograd society of artists (1915) in St. Petersburg (Petrograd), Russia industrial and art exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod (1896), 13-й exhibition of watercolors, drawings and graphics by Russian artists in the gallery "Lemercier" (1913), "Artists — fellow soldiers" (1914), society of artists "Link" (1917), 1-й and 2-й exhibitions of paintings of the professional Union of artists-живописцев (both — 1918), 2-й State exhibition of paintings (1919) in Moscow; 1-й State exhibition of art and science in Kazan (1920).

the Author of the memoirs: "About the past" (1911), "extracts from the diary" (1924).

Work is represented in several Museum collections, among them — of the State Russian Museum, Tver regional picture gallery, and other.


1. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1972, vol. 2. S. 30.

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