Art Investment

Vackhevitch Georgy Leonidovich


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Wakhévitch, Georges


VUCEVIC (Wakewich) George (George, Yury) Leonidovich (Georges Wakhévitch)

18 августа 1907 (Odessa) — 11 февраля 1984 (Paris)

the set Designer, the artist of cinema, painter, graphic artist, architect

the Son of an engineer-кораблестроителя Л. Е. Вакевича. In 1921 with her mother and younger brother Michael (in the future — cameraman, one of the pioneers of French television) through Bulgaria and Romania emigrated to France. He studied at the Russian gymnasium in Paris, lycee Buffon, the National school of decorative arts, the académie de La Grande chaumière. Was friends with П. Ф. Челищевым.

In 1924-1928 he worked at the Studio "Albatross", first as assistant, then — assistant artists Lazarus Meyerson and Serge Pimenova.

In the late 1920-х went to the South of France, lived near AIX. Worked as assistant decorator Ж. Лафита at the Studio "Victorine" in nice; in the early 1930-х created the first independent cinema sets. After the closing of the Studio "Victorine" is back in Paris; worked for the studios "Tobis", Biancone (near Paris), the firm max Luera (was involved in the construction of scenery for theater and film) and others. Again in 1934 he settled in AIX; in addition to the work of a decorator, was engaged in the reconstruction of castles.

the Artist-постановщик, author of costumes and scenery for more than 100 фильмов. Among them the films with the participation of Ж. Маре ("Eternal return" Ж. Деллануа, 1943; "Dangerous similarity" П. Биллона, 1948; "double eagle" Ж. Кокто, 1948; "Leather nose" И. Аллегре, 1952), the Soul ("Ali-Баба and 40 разбойников" Ж. Беккера, 1954), L. de Funes (of"Mademoiselle nitouche" И. Аллегре, 1954; "Oscar" К. Манье, 1967; "Delusions of grandeur" Ж. Ури, 1971), Б. Бардо ("the Woman and the clown" Ж. Дювивье, 1959), Ж. П. Бельмондо ("Happy together" Ж. Бекера, 1964; "Lovely summer morning" Ж. Дере, 1965; "Gentle rogue" Ж. Беккера, 1966), К. Денев ("Mayerling" Т. Янга, 1968) and other stars of French cinema (С. Синьоре, Б. Блие, М. Дитрих, Ж. Габен).

he Collaborated with film Directors Ж. Ренуаром, М. Карнэ Christian-Жаком, Р. Клером, Л. Бунюэлем, П. Бруком and others. He was a member of the jury of several film festivals, including the International festival of fantastic film at Avoriaz.

the Founder of the theater "the Grey curtain" (later — "comédie de Lyon"); for many years served as the scenery for his productions. Collaborated with the Paris Opéra, theatres, Opera-Комик, Comedy-Франсез, Marigny; Lyons theatre, Milan's Opera house La-Скала and others. He has designed over 300 оперных, ballet and drama performances, among which the performances of the Russian repertoire — Opera "Boris Godunov" М. П. Мусоргского and "Eugene Onegin" П. И. Чайковского (1955), "the rake's progress" И. Ф. Стравинского (1954), ballets "the Firebird-птица" (1954), "Petrushka" (1971) И. Ф. Стравинского "Romeo and Juliet" С. С. Прокофьева (1955, 1960), the ballets staged С. Лифаря and others.

was also Engaged in easel painting and graphics, book graphics. He painted landscapes of Normandy, portraits of fishermen and clowns. Performed the illustrations for the works У. Шекспира and Г. Г. Лорки. In his easel works he was influenced by surrealism.

he Exhibited his works at the salon d'automne (1936, 1946), the salon Comparisons (1968, 1968) in Paris, the exhibition "Russian view" in Heidelberg (1974). Held a solo exhibition in Paris galleries "Drouant-David" (1953, 1969), "Proscenium" (1971), in Marseilles (1980).

In 1982 he was elected a titled member of the French Academy of fine arts. Awarded the order of the Legion of honour and of Arts and letters.

the Author of the memoirs "L Envers des décors" ("wrong Side of the scenery"; Paris, 1977). In 1980 in Marseille was published the monograph "Georges Wakhévitch: Décors et costumes 1930-1980".

he was Buried at the cemetery in Les-Андели (Department of Eure).

In the Museum of the scenery Louviers (Eure) created the Foundation. Wakewich.

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