Art Investment

Naidich Vladimir Isaakovich


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Izkhakovich


NAIDITSCH, Vladimir Isaakovich (Izakovic)

1903 (Moscow) — 1980 (Paris)

Painter, graphic artist

the Son of a Moscow industrialist and public figure of Isaac-Ашера of Naiditsch, who had a commercial business in France. Original art education received, on-видимому, evening or Sunday classes of drawing at the Stroganov Central art-промышленном school.

In 1919 along with his parents emigrated to Paris. Listened to courses in chemistry and mathematics at the Sorbonne. Participated in the management of diabetes and wineries of the father. At the same time attended the Academy de La Grande chaumière and the School Ф. Коларосси; he took lessons from А. Лота.

In 1925 became friends with Russian artists circle И. А. Пуни — Л. О. Воловиком, М. К. Кикоиным, П. Кременем — and is professionally engaged in painting. He painted landscapes of the outskirts of Paris, portraits, still lifes, Nudes. Almost a year together with friends he lived in the Studio-ателье Н. И. Альтмана; several years has held one workshop with Л. О. Воловиком in "La Ruche". With him has held exhibitions in galleries "Briant-Robert" (1927, 1931) and "Berri" (1933). Member of the salon d'automne (1927); has exhibited his works in the salons of Independent and the Tuileries (1930-1938). Financially helped Russian artists in France.

At the beginning of world war II was mobilized at a chemical plant in Normandy. His house was destroyed during the fascist occupation of Paris; many works — destroyed. With the help of friends went to Cuba, then lived in new-Йорке. In 1946 he returned to Paris. Continued to participate in the salon d'automne. Participated in group exhibitions in galleries "A. Maurice" (1952-1958), "Chapelle" (1953), "Russian artists of Paris school" (1961); "Artists of Montparnasse" in new-Йорке (1964).

Retrospective exhibitions of the artist were organized in the salon of independents (1985) and the gallery "Drouant" (1988).

he was Buried in Montparnasse cemetery, Paris.

Work is represented in several Museum collections, including the Pushkin Museum to them. А. С. Пушкина.

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