Art Investment


BOURET Leon (lion) Leonardovich

21 июня 1887 (Samarkand) — 30 декабря 1943 (Samarkand)

Painter, graphic artist

the family servant, solicitor. Attended School В. Н. Мешкова in Moscow (1904-1905); at the Higher art school of painting, sculpture and architecture under the Imperial Academy of arts in Saint-Петербурге in the graphics workshop И. Я. Билибина and battle workshop Ф. А. Рубо (1907-1912).

he Lived in Samarkand. Created landscapes, portraits, and paintings of domestic and historical subjects, ethnographic sketches. Author paintings: "Old Bukhara" (1907), "the Execution of three in feudal Bukhara" (1907), "Street pot" (1910), "the last story Bibi-Ханым. Samarkand" (1913), "Shop with a red pepper" (1916), "Registan Square" (1917), "Beating megalohari", "Road with a minaret on Afrasiab" (1920), "Samarkand. Old town. Bazar shop" (1927), "Cattle market" (1929), "Women's club" (1930), "picking cotton" (1931), "the court madrasas Shir-Дор" (1939), "Morning in the old square" (1940).

Created the drawings and caricatures on household plots. Collaborated in the magazines "Mashrab" (1924-1927), "Mushfiki" (1926-1937), "Bigs" (1931-1936). Author of several posters: "October" (1925), "Loan", "Before and now". During the great Patriotic war created posters for "agitation".

From 1904 — participated in exhibitions. A member and Exhibitor of the Tashkent branch of AHRR — akhr (1926-1930). He exposed his works at exhibitions: "jubilee exhibition of art of the peoples of the USSR" (1927), of paintings by artists of Uzbekistan (1934), "artists of the Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Kazakh Soviet socialist Republic (1941) in Moscow; paintings by artists of Uzbekistan to 20-й anniversary of the great October socialist revolution (1937), painting, graphics, sculpture, theatre-декорационного art, folk artists (1938), the Republican art exhibition (1940) in Tashkent; Art exhibition on the 25-й anniversary of the red Army and the Military-морского fleet in Samarkand (1943). Had a solo exhibition in Samarkand (1936).

One of the founders and lecturer at national art school (later College) in Samarkand (1918); taught in the art studios and clubs. Among the students — Р. М. Тимуров, А. А. Абдуллаев. The honored worker of arts of Usbsr (1939).

the Works are in many Museum collections, among them — of the State Tretyakov gallery, State Museum of arts of Uzbekistan in Tashkent, the State Museum of arts. И. В. Савицкого in Nukus, the State Museum of art of Oriental peoples in Moscow, and others. The most representative meeting — at the Samarkand state Museum of history, culture and art of Uzbekistan.

1. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Figure of the twentieth century. M., 2006, vol. 3, kN. 1. S. 265.
2. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1972, vol. 2. P. 122-123.

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