Art Investment

Berendgof Georgy Sergeevich


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Yury


BRANDHOF George (Yuri) S.

30 января (12 февраля) 1903 (Moscow) — 17 февраля 1946 (Moscow)


the Brother of artist-график Б. С. Берендгофа. Studied in Moscow art school В. Н. Мешкова (1916), art Studio of Proletkult (1918) В. Д. Фалилеева in practical Prechistensky Institute (1921-1922) at the faculty of fine arts at Н. П. Крымова, Н. П. Ульянова, Д. А. Щербиновского; in VKhUTEMAS (1922) П. Я. Павлинова, В. А. Фаворского. In parallel, he studied at the faculty of social Sciences of Moscow state University (1921-1922).

he Lived in Moscow. In 1920-30-е worked in the field of magazine graphics; drew for magazines "Komsomol", "Blue blouse", "Change", "30 дней", "Literary newspaper". Collaborated in publishing "the Earth and factory", "literature", "Soviet literature" and others. He drew illustrations to the books: "John Workman" Г. Доменика (1927), "Torture" Р. Нежелена (1928), "Brodarica" М. Марковича (1930), "Military youth" И. Н. Молчанова (1930), "the Street without sun" Н. Токунага (1932), "Star run" М. И. Рудермана (1933), "Vasilisa" К. Финина (1934), collections of poetry С. А. Есенина (1933) and Р. Бернса (1939). Created bookplates.

was Engaged in easel graphics. Executed landscapes, portraits, genre scenes. Studied lithography, etching. The author of a series of drawings and etchings: "the Farm "Giant" (the first half of 1930-х), drawings of the "Yasnaya Polyana" (1935), "Boldino" (1936-1937).

From 1926 — participated in exhibitions. A member and Exhibitor of the Association of artists of graphs (1926-1927), OST (1926-1931). Exhibited: the first and second exhibitions of graphics in House printing (1926, 1927), the all-Union printing exhibition (1927); "Engraving the USSR for 10 years" (1927), "Russian figure for ten years of October revolution" (1928), "the Life of children of the Soviet Union" (1929), aspiring young artists in Moscow (1934), Soviet prints 20-летию the great October socialist revolution (1937), painting, sculpture and graphics by artists-контрактников (1938), exhibition of etching, dedicated 5-летию existence of the etching workshop И. И. Нивинского (1939), paintings and drawings of mossh (1939), all-Union art exhibition (1946) in Moscow, "Artists of the RSFSR for XV years" (1932-1934) in Leningrad and Moscow, international exhibition "Art of book" (1927) in Leipzig and Nurnberg, the fourth exhibition of paintings by contemporary Russian artists (1928) in Feodosia, the German artists (1928) in Berlin, "Graphics and book art in the USSR" (1929) in Amsterdam, Russian art (1929) in Winterthur (Switzerland), all-Belarusian exhibition of paintings graphic arts, sculpture, architecture (1930) in Minsk, "the Art book" (1931/1932) in Paris and Lyon. Held a personal exhibition in Moscow (1939).

a Memorial exhibition was held in Moscow (1962, 1979).

Work is represented in many Museum collections, among them the State Tretyakov gallery, the Pushkin Museum im. А. С. Пушкина State Russian Museum and others.

1. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Figure of the twentieth century. M., 2006, vol. 3, kN. 1. S. 193-194.
2. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1970, vol. 1. S. 368-369.
3. Graphic society easel (1925-1932). Catalogue of the exhibition. Comp.: Т. Н. Михиенко, М. Л. Молчанова. Gallery "Elysium", Moscow. M., 2009. S. 96.

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