Art Investment


SHIFRIN, Nisson Abramovich

16 (28) June 1892 (Kiev) — 3 апреля 1961 (Moscow)

the set Designer, painter

From the family of a merchant. He studied at the school, 1911-1916 — Kiev commercial Institute. In parallel, he attended the School of painting and drawing А. А. Мурашко in Kiev (1912-1915). He continued his education at the School А. А. Экстер (1918-1919), the Ukrainian Academy of arts (1920-1921) in Kiev.

he Lived in Kiev (until 1922). In the years of study participated in the design of mass celebrations, evening of revolutionary poetry. Helped И. М. Рабиновичу in the creation of scenery for concert futurists in Kiev; met Д. Д. Бурлюком, В. В. Маяковским, В. В. Каменским. In 1920 — artist campaign train of the XII army on the Polish front.

From 1919 работал as a theatrical designer; designed the Opera Ш. Лекока "Green island" in the musical Comedy Theatre in Kiev. Also collaborated with the Jewish art theatre, Н. Н. Соловцова (2-й State drama theatre of the Ukrainian SSR them. В. И. Ленина) in Kiev.

In 1922 переехал in Moscow. In the spring of 1923 был involved И. И. Нивинским and А. А. Экстер registration 1-й VSHV in Moscow. Closer to А. Д. Гончаровым, А. А. Лабасом many Moscow artists.

Studied theatre-декорационным and design art, book and easel graphics. In 1924-1927 headed the graphic Department of Centrastate. In the second half of 1920-х — early 1930-х collaborated with GIZ, the publishing house "Young guard". Issued books: "chiriquí-пузырики" (1927, 1929;, along with other artists), "Oktyabryatskoy" (1930, 1931) Н. Венгрова; "Who?" В. В. Маяковского (1929, 1930, 1931, 1932), "Roald Amundsen" Н. И. Дементьева (1931), "the Beasts in the cave" М. А. Гершензона (1931) and others. In the second half of 1930-х completed the diorama Kabardino-Балкарии for exhibition (together with М. Г. Генке-Шифриной).

Created the costumes and scenery for productions of "Hiawatha" by Г. Лонгфелло in the Moscow theater for children (1923); "Miracle in Capzone" Л. Мойзфильда in Art@Studio ndashтеатральной В. В. Барановской (1923); "the adventures of Signor Kihada" М. Сервантесу (1926), "Black Yar" А. Н. Афиногенова (1928) at the State pedagogical theatre; "Locusts" Е. О. Любимова-Ланского (1926), "Calm" В. Н. Билль-Белоцерковского (1927) in the Theater. MGSPS; "Bread" В. М. Киршона (1930), "Fear" А. Н. Афиногенова (1941) in Maat; "Tokmakov lane" В. В. Смирновой (1931), "Street joy" Н. А. Зархи (1932), "Free Flemings" by Charles de Coster (1935) in the Theater working guys. Also collaborated with the theater "Berezil", the Jewish theatre in Kharkov, Theatre of operetta and Musical theatre. В. И. Немировича-Данченко in Moscow.

In 1934 he designed the staging of "the Death squadrons" А. Е. Корнейчука in the Central theater of the red Army. In 1935-1961 — main artist CTCA — TSTSA; among the most significant productions — "Deep province" М. А. Светлова (1935), "the taming of the shrew" У. Шекспира (1937), "Deep silver" Н. Ф. Погодина (1939).

during the great Patriotic war remained in Moscow. Missions on the Western front in Smolensk region (1942), Stalingrad (1943).

After the war he continued to work in Moscow (CTCA — TSTSA, Mat, GMT): designed productions of "the Break" Б. А. Лавренева (1950), "virgin soil upturned" by М. А. Шолохову (1957), 'the Drummer' А. Д. Салынского (1958), "the Seagull" А. П. Чехова (1960). Winner of the Stalin (State) prize 1949 года (1-й degree) for the setting of the play "Moscow character" А. В. Софронова in GAMT; 1951 года (2-й degree) for the performance "Flag Admiral" А. П. Штейна in TSTSA.

as the operator participated in the filming of "the Great fracture" Ф. М. Эрмлера (1945).

From 1914 — participated in exhibitions. A member of the "Ring" (1914), Cultures-лиги (1917-1920), Society of easel artists (1925-1932). Exhibitor exhibitions: 1-й Jewish art exhibition of sculpture, graphics, drawing in Kiev (1920), "the Theatre-декорационное art of Moscow. 1918-1923" (1923), "the Life of children of the Soviet Union", "the End of the theatrical season of Moscow", 1-й traveling exhibition of paintings and drawings (all — 1929), reporting the work of artists, seconded to the regions of the industrial building and collective farms (1931), "Artists of the Soviet theatre for XVII years" (1935), "Artists of children's theatre for XV years" (1935), "Н. В. Гоголь in the works of Soviet artists" (1952), all-Union art exhibition (1955) in Moscow; 1-й State traveling exhibition of paintings by cities of the RSFSR (1925); 4-й exhibition of paintings by contemporary Russian artists in Feodosia (1928); "Artists of the RSFSR for XV years" in Leningrad and Moscow (1932-1933) and others.

participated in many foreign exhibitions: XIV International art exhibition in Venice (1924), International exhibition art-декоративных arts in Paris (1925), International exhibition "the Art book" in Leipzig and Nuremberg (1927), International exhibition "Contemporary book art" in Cologne (1928), German artists in Berlin (1928), International exhibitions "Art book" in Paris and Lyon (1931-1932), the world exhibition "World of tomorrow" in new-Йорке (1939), World exhibition in Belgium (1958); Soviet art in the USA (1929, traveling), in Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm (all — 1930), königsberg (1932), Madrid and Marseilles (1933), London (1934), England (1936, mobile).

his personal exhibitions were Held in Moscow (1953, 1962).

he Taught in Vhuteine (1929-1930), the Moscow polygraphic Institute (1931-1932), the Institute of theatrical arts. А. В. Луначарского (1934-1936) in Moscow. Author of articles: "the work of the artist," "artist's Task", "processing performance", "Principles of design"; books "the Artist in the theatre" (Leningrad, 1964), "My work in the theatre" (Moscow, 1966).

the people's artist of the RSFSR (1958).

he was Buried at the Vvedenskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, the State Central theater Museum im. А. А. Бахрушина realization of the project. А. С. Пушкина and others.

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