Art Investment


OREL Alexander Osipovich

March 9, 1777 (Warsaw) - March 1, 1832 (St. Petersburg)

painter and graphic artist.

born in wealthy Polish family. Art education in Warsaw, where about ten years he studied with the painter of battle-pieces and painter JP Norblin de la Gurdev, in the court workshops of M. Bachchaprelli, as well as a miniaturist and engraver Lécera B. B. Puvah. Repeatedly interrupted his education: during the uprising T. Kosciuszko in 1793-1795 served as a volunteer in the rebel army. On his return to Warsaw secured the patronage of Prince Jozef Poniatowski and quickly "came into vogue" at the Polish aristocracy.

In 1801 he lived in Lithuania. In the same year published in London a series of drawings called Paul I, l `Impereur de toutes les Russies, honore Kosciuszko d` une visite dans sa prison. A year later, arrived in St. Petersburg, where he also became "fashionable" artist, earning the location and patronage of Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich. In 1807 developed the imperial designs of uniforms and police battalion of the Guards regiments. In 1809, for the painting "Camp Cossacks" was awarded the title of academician IAH.

From 1819 served in the military depot of the General Staff topographical draftsman and painter of 10 th grade, created sketches of new military uniforms. He worked in the field of book illustrations, created in lithographs to illustrate the book "Journey to Persia in 1812 and 1813" G. Druvilya (1819), "Fables" Krylov (1824). He was engaged in etching and lithography. In 1824 received through the Minister of National Education for the privilege of copying his lithographs to the prohibition of copying other painters.

Many traveled to Russia and Europe. He was interested in Eastern culture, has collected a vast collection of weapons and objects of oriental art. At certain periods of his artistic biography stylising signature to Arabic cursive that brings to his work an element of exoticism.

Retrospective exhibition of works Orlovsky was shown in 1938 and 2002, the State Russian Museum in Leningrad (Saint Petersburg) in 1958 - the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow and the National Museum in Warsaw.

Orlovsky - outstanding artist of the first third of the XIX century, one of the founders of Romanticism in Russia. His artistic legacy is extremely large and diverse. He worked as a portraitist, landscape painter, battle scenes, animal painter, creating works for domestic and erotic stories, cartoons. Was a consummate draftsman, who owned many fine graphic techniques. The favorite materials were masters of bed, sauce, and red chalk, sepia, which allows us to achieve lush tone and expressive texture. The best drawings Orlovsky differ freedom, ease of external performance, vigor stroke, artistry and improvisation manners, laconic receptions. Repeatedly varied most successful stories of their works. Among the most common motifs of painting and graphics Orlovsky - oriental horsemen, storms, shipwrecks, scenes of battle. Particular attention to lighting effects.

was one of the first in Russia, who turned to the technique of lithography. Especially prized lithographed sheets Orlovsky featuring vendors, hawkers, with threes and various scenes of Russian life. Having the privilege to spread his own lithographs, carefully watching the circulation, so as not to cut the price on them. All lifetime prints are made on thick high quality paper and contain the fields print wizard. In late imprints, made after his death, as a rule, used thin paper.

Popularity Orlovsky in the first third of the XIX century was extremely high, making it particularly topical issue of separation of original works of masters and works of his numerous disciples and imitators.

Orlovsky works are in many museum collections in Russia and abroad, including in the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum, Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin, the National Museum in Warsaw and others.

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