Art Investment


Mary granavtseva Stepanovna

15 (28) may 1904 (village Cheremkhovo of the Irkutsk province) — 18 февраля 1989 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist

Studied on pedagogical faculty, Cheremkhovo three-year College (1922-1923). Worked in the children's home (1921), otberwise coal mine Mechanical factory in Cheremkhovo (1922-1924), a telephone operator at the same plant (1923-1924).

In 1924 he moved to Moscow and continued his studies at the VKhUTEMAS — Vhuteine (1924-1930), first in the textile Department, from 1928 — on the picturesque faculty. He studied under the guidance В. Л. Храковского, А. Д. Древина, Н. А. Удальцовой, Д. П. Штеренберга. 1930 — wife Д. П. Штеренберга.

he Painted landscapes, still lifes and thematic paintings. Travel Vsekohudozhnik worked in Adjara (1930, 1931), Kerch (1931), Anapa (1932). He painted a series of works devoted to work on the tea plantations of the farm "Chakvi" (1930-1931), a picturesque series "On the Volga" (1934).

Since the late 1920-х worked in the field of book illustration; worked in publishing house "Young guard", GIZ. She designed the book: "Shock brigade" Л. С. Нейман (1931), "About Jana" С. З. Федорченко (1930, 1931), "Our old friend" В. Смирновой and А. Петровой (1932); illustrated his own book "poultry" (1931).

In 1941-1944 was evacuated to Irkutsk; participated in the creation of propaganda-оборонных posters.

Member of Serapis (1923-1934), OST (1930-1931, in exhibitions did not participate).

From 1930 — participant of exhibitions (Soviet graphics and book on England, mobile). Exhibited: reporting of works by artists, seconded to the regions of the industrial building and collective farms (1931, 1932), young artists (1931), "the Crimea and the Caucasus — resorts of the USSR" (1931), spring exhibition of Moscow artists (1935), women-художников (1938, 1939), "Exhibition of etching 1934-1944" (1944), "Exhibition of works of Moscow artists. 50 лет MOSH" (1982) in Moscow; "Artists of the RSFSR for XV years" (1932-1933) in Leningrad and Moscow; Soviet art in Koenigsberg (1932); Irkutsk artists (1942, 1943, 1945). Member of mosskh (SSH; 1932), 1946 исключена with the wording "due to the weak creative activity and participation in creative and public work of the Union"; restored in 1978. Held a personal exhibition in Moscow (1978).

a Portrait of Granavtseva fulfilled С. Я. Адливанкин (1935, TG).

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, the State Russian Museum and others.

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