Art Investment


ALEEVSKI Valery Sergeevich

10 (23) June 1906 (Moscow) — 4 сентября 1989 (Moscow)

painter, graphic

Studied in Moscow at the Art Studio М. М. Северова, М. В. Леблана, П. А. Бакланова (1921-1924), in the Studio И. И. Машкова (1924-1925), in VKhUTEMAS — Vhuteine (1925-1929) С. В. Герасимова, К. Н. Истомина, Л. А. Бруни, Д. П. Штеренберга, А. А. Осмеркина, И. И. Машкова.

he Lived in Moscow. Was married to the daughter Д. П. Штеренберга Violetta (Violet). Between 1930 and was engaged in book graphics. Worked at GIZ, the publishing house "Young guard". In the early 1930-х worked in collaboration with Т. А. Лебедевой with her illustrated books: "Companion Meter" М. О. Гершензона (1930), "a Wonderful transformation of one chair" В. В. Смирновой, "the adventures of inventions" А. Ивича, books-картинки "Park of culture and recreation", "Clever car" (all — 1930), "Zamorana" В. В. Смирновой, books-картинки "At anchor", "Circus", "For new life" (all — 1931, the last two are not published). Single-handedly illustrated the books: "New puzzles" К. И. Чуковского "the Celebration on the Neva river" (both — 1931), "Whistle" А. И. Кальма (1933), "Poems" В. В. Маяковского (1938) and others.

In the field of easel painting and graphics worked primarily as a landscape painter; favorite techniques were watercolor, feather ink drawing. He created numerous landscapes of Moscow: "Quay of Moscow-реки" (1930), "Run", "view of the Kremlin" (both — 1931), "the Square at the Bolshoi theatre in Moscow" (1932). Made creative trips to Altai, in Baku, Batumi and Odessa (all — 1930), in which he carried out extensive series of sketches

In 1933-1936 as an artist-репортера collaborated in the newspaper "Soviet art". In 1937-1940 he worked under contract in Vsekohudozhnik; in 1941 was part of the Moscow team "TASS Windows".

In 1941-1944 was evacuated to Tashkent. Created a series of sketches on the construction of the Farkhad hydroelectric power station. Visited Bukhara, Samarkand, Andijan.

In 1950-70-х continued to work in the field of book graphics. Collaborated in publishing houses: "Children's literature", "literature", "Soviet Artist", Detgiz, Goslitizdat. Issued books: "Tales and stories" (1955), "the Steadfast tin soldier" (1969), "the Ugly duckling" (1978) Г.-Х. Андерсена, "the adventures of Pinocchio" К. Коллоди (1959), "the Twelve months" С. Я. Маршака (1971), a collection of Polish fairy tales "where the Vistula-река" (1975), "the Nutcracker and the mouse king" Э.-Т.-А. Гофмана (1978) and others.

he traveled to the Volga river (1951), Host (1952), Central Asia, Gurzuf (1953), Uzbekistan, Estonia (1954), Lithuania (1955-1957).

member of the OST (1929-1931; in exhibitions did not participate).

From 1929 — participant of exhibitions (Art-кустарная exhibition of the USSR in new-Йорке and other U.S. cities). Exhibitor exhibitions: "Artists of the RSFSR for XV years" (1933), exhibitions-смотра of young artists (1936), Moscow painters (1940, 1948), books and book graphics Detgiz (1951) in Moscow, jubilee Republican exhibition dedicated to the 25th-летию October, in Tashkent (1943) and others. Participant of several international exhibitions: "Art of book" in Paris and Lyon (1931-1932), Soviet graphic art in London (1938), Warsaw (1946), the international Biennale of illustration in Brno (1979). Led a group of artists in the International Biennale of illustration in Bratislava (1967). His personal exhibitions were held in Tashkent (1944), Moscow (1955, 1961, 1979, 1988-1989), Leningrad (1980).

Chairman of the arts Council under the unique graphical chart of the plant of the Art Fund of the RSFSR (1963-1965). Honored artist of the RSFSR (1982). The author of the memoirs.

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State Tretyakov gallery, the Pushkin Museum im. А. С. Пушкина State Russian Museum and others.

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