Art Investment


modest DURNOV Alexandrovich

on 24 December 1867 (January 5, 1868, the village of Samara province Novosemeykino) — on 5 August 1928 (Moscow)

the Architect, graphic artist, poet

From the family of a postal worker. Studied in MUZHVZ (1881-1889) at the architectural, 1888 — on the picturesque separation at В. Д. Поленова. For the architectural projects were awarded small silver medals (1884, 1886). In 1887 за program "a first-Class railway station" was awarded a large silver medal, 1888 получил the title of class artist for architecture.

he Lived in Moscow. Traveled to Europe (1897, 1912); visited Germany, Italy, UK. Was friends with В. Я. Брюсовым, К. Д. Бальмонтом, А. Белым and other poets-символистами, he was engaged in poetic activity; participated in the collection "Book of meditations" (St. Petersburg, 1899).

After graduation, he worked under the guidance of architects К. М. Быковского, С. У. Соловьева, А. С. Каминского during the construction of the Handicraft Museum in Leontief lane, University clinics on the Devichye pole in Moscow. Completed projects and was engaged in the construction of the theater and mansion Ш. Омона in Moscow (1901-1902, not preserved), station in Murom (1910), trade rows in Tomsk (1910-е).

Worked in watercolour, gouache, pastels; executed ink drawings. Author of landscapes, portraits, still lifes, compositions based on literary works: "the ball was sitting, Potupa eyes...", "In the homeland of Joan of Arc" (both — 1899), "Portrait К. Д. Бальмонта" (1901), "In the garden", "Malorossian" (both — 1903), "Monument to Peter I", "the flying Dutchman", Chrysanthemum", "the Kingdom of vodka" (all — 1909), "Portrait Л. В. Собинова" "Portrait Of К. Н. von Meck", "Cornflowers and daisies", "Illumination", "the Station in Murom" (all — 1910), "Mountain landscape", "Portrait М. В. Дурновой under the veil" (both — 1911), "Florence", "Portrait И. А. Алчевского", "Cyclists" (all — 1912), "Basket of flowers" (1914), "Roses" (1916), "Azaleas" (1922), "Portrait Л. Н. Толстого" (1923); has created works based on the novel "the possessed" Ф. М. Достоевского the poem "the fountain of Bakhchisarai" А. С. Пушкина the poem "Three palm trees" М. Ю. Лермонтова.

was Engaged in book graphics. Collaborated in publishing "Scorpion", "the Vulture". Illustrated books: "the Ballad of Ratingsmy prison" (Moscow, 1904) and "the picture of Dorian gray" (Moscow, 1906) О. Уайлда the collection of poems, "seasons in Russian poetry" (Moscow, 1919).

After the revolution of 1917 участвовал in decoration of Moscow city to the first anniversary of the October revolution, engaged in the art industry. Included in the Commission on the development of the plan "the Big Moscow" (1921-1925).

From 1889 — participated in exhibitions. Member (since 1903) and the Exhibitor of the Union of Russian artists (1908-1923, with breaks). Exhibited at exhibitions of the Moscow society of art lovers (1899), "36-ти artists" (1902), World of art (1903) in Moscow and St. Petersburg; at "the Cabin В. А. Издебского" in St. Petersburg (1909). Participated in a traveling exhibition of Russian art in the USA (1924-1925, as part of the so-called "South"exhibition — new-Йорк, St-Луис, Kansas-Сити, Memphis, New Orleans, Birmingham, Los-Анджелес, Oakland, Portland).

he Taught in VKhUTEMAS — Vhuteine in Moscow (1920-е), Professor.

he was Buried at the Novodevichy cemetery. Exhibition of works was held in Moscow (1969).

the Work presented in the State Tretyakov gallery, the State literary Museum, the Russian state archive of literature and art, the Krasnodar regional art Museum named after. Ф. А. Коваленко State Museum of arts of Uzbekistan in Tashkent.


Artists of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1976, vol. 3. S. 497-498.

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