Art Investment


CHALIAPIN Boris Fedorovich (Boris Chaliapin)

22 сентября (5 октября) 1904 (Moscow) — 15 мая 1979 (new-Йорк)

Painter, graphic artist, sculptor, set designer

the Third of six children and the eldest son Ф. И. Шаляпина and his second wife — ballerina И. И. Шаляпиной-Торнаги; brother of actor Ф. Ф. Шаляпина. He spent his childhood in Moscow. He studied at the workshop В. И. Шухаева in Petrograd (1919), then in Moscow: 1-х and 2-х State free art studios (1920-1923) Д. Н. Кардовского, А. Е. Архипова, Ф. И. Захарова; the sculpture Department VKhUTEMAS (1923-1925). Attended the workshop С. Т. Коненкова. The summer months of 1923 held in Paris. Finally in the summer of 1925 he moved to Paris, where his father purchased for him a Studio on Montmartre. He continued his education at the Academy Ф. Коларосси I Ш. Герена. Also worked in the workshops К. А. Коровина and Д. К. Степанова.

he Painted portraits, landscapes, genre compositions on Russian themes, sketches of Nudes. In 1927, during a tour Ф. И. Шаляпина in London Covent-Гарден opened in the foyer of the theatre is the first solo exhibition (10 работ). He created portraits of С. В. Рахманинова (1929), К. Фаррера (1930), Т. Руффо in the role of hamlet (1930), К. А. Коровина (1933), П. П. Трубецкого (1933), a series of pencil sketches with М. А. Чехова in various roles (1932). Performed an extensive gallery pictorial, graphic, sculptural portraits of his father in scene images Vladimir Galitsky, Boris Godunov, the Miller, don Basilio, Salieri.

In 1930-е wrote the Opera "the Demon" А. Г. Рубинштейна in 1932 he designed the film "don-Кихот" Г. Пабста with the participation of the father.

participated in exhibitions of Russian art in the galleries "D Alignan" (1931) and "La Renaissance" (1932). Exhibited in Autumn salon (1930-е); in 1934 he received the gold medal of the salon for wooden sculpture "Nude".

In 1935 together with his father moved to the United States, where he gained fame as a portraitist. He created portraits of many prominent representatives of musical and literary-художественного world — artists troupe Ballet Russe de Monte-Carlo — Т. Тумановой, И. Вершининой, В. Немчиновой, Д. Ростова; conductors С. А. Кусевицкого and А. Тосканини; violinists Я. Хейфица and Ф. Крейслера; composers С. С. Прокофьева, И. Ф. Стравинского; pianists А. Браиловского, В. Горовица That Van of kliberna, Б. Джаниса; ballerinas Г. С. Улановой, М. М. Плисецкой, Н. И. Бессмертновой; writers Т. Драйзера, А. Труайя; aircraft И. И. Сикорского; poet Е. А. Евтушенко.

In 1942-1970 painted portraits for the covers of Time magazine; has performed more than 550 обложек, of which 414 были published. Among them — cover with portraits of Nehru Jawarharlal (24 августа 1942), Andrei Zhdanov (9 декабря 1946), Princess Margaret (13 июня 1949), Harry Truman (23 апреля 1951), Marlon Brando in the role of Napoleon (11 октября 1954), Nicholas Bulganin (25 июля 1955), Marilyn Monroe (14 мая), Richard Nixon (5 ноября 1956), Martin Luther king (18 февраля 1957), Alexander Nesmeyanov (12 июня 1958), Pope John XXIII (10 ноября 1958), Boris Pasternak (15 декабря 1958), Nikita Khrushchev (28 сентября 1959), Yuri Gagarin (21 апреля 1961), Thelonious monk (29 февраля 1964), Aretha Franklin (28 июня 1968), Golda Meir (1969) and many others. We used mostly pictures; only a few portraits were created from nature.

in Addition engaged in industrial graphics — designed advertising typewriters "Remington", savings bonds.

Worked in the field of easel painting and graphics; executed landscapes, paintings of religious content, still lifes and cartoons. Created sculptures out of wood.

his personal exhibitions were Held in new-Йорке (1935, 1937, 1938, 1958, 1959), Philadelphia (1937), Los-Анджелесе (1941), Palos-Вердесе and palm-Спрингсе (1942), San-Франциско (1944), Westport (1957), Allentown (1958), El-Пасо (1971), the palm-Бич (1957), and London (1959), Moscow (1968), Switzerland (1973).

In 1960-е repeatedly came to the USSR, was adopted by the Minister of culture Е. А. Фурцевой. In 1962-1966 посещал Israel; has created portraits of prominent political figures — Ben-Гуриона, Golda Meir, Moshe Dayan.

the Memorial exhibitions were held in Moscow (1983, US Embassy) and the new-Йорке (1985/1986). In 2009 в Greenwich (CT) hosted an exhibition of unreleased artwork by the artist to the magazine "Time" named "history".

Work is represented in many Museum collections: National portrait gallery Smithsonian Institute in Washington; the Museum of musical culture М. И. Глинки House-музее Ф. И. Шаляпина in Moscow; archive — in the National archives at Columbia University in new-Йорке.

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