the Artist of theatre, cinema, decorative-прикладного art, painter, graphic artist
he Studied at the Stroganov Central school of technical drawing (1890-1900) С. В. Иванова, С.-В. Ноаковского, Ф. О. Шехтеля. In 1900 получил the title of the scientific draughtsman, a gold medal for the project of the iconostasis home Church at the orphanage in Rybinsk and was awarded a pensioner's trip abroad. Visited France (1900-1901). In 1901, together with Ф. О. Шехтелем participated in the decoration of the Russian pavilion at the world exhibition in Glasgow.
he Lived in Moscow. Collaborated with team of artists-гончаров "Ant", which is created majolica panels for the facade of the pharmacy Rutkowski and Paul on Tverskaya street.
In 1906-1911 — artist of the Moscow art theatre. He designed the performances: "the Life of man" Л. Н. Андреева (1907), "drama of life" К. Гамсуна (1907, together with Н. П. Ульяновым), "Blue bird" М. Метерлинка (1908), "Miserer" С. С. Юшкевича (1910), "Rosmersholm" Г. Ибсена (1910), "hamlet" У. Шекспира (1911, not implemented). As the assistant of the main artist of the Theater В. А. Симова participated in tours of the theatre in Europe.
Designed productions in theaters Г. Г. Солодовникова ("prisoner of the Caucasus" Ц. Кюи, 1903), С. И. Зимина ("Salome" Р. Штрауса, 1908; "Tree" В. И. Ребикова, "Sister Beatrice" А. Т. Гречанинова, "Iolanta" П. И. Чайковского, "Sadko" Н. А. Римского-Корсакова all — 1912), Ф. А. Корша ("the Storm" А. Н. Островского, 1909), К. Н. Незлобина ("the Auditor" Н. В. Гоголя, 1916).
After the October revolution he designed the performances of the Maly theatre: "the gifts of the Magi" on a story About’Генри (1923), "the hunchback of Notre Dame" based on the novel by В. Гюго (1926), "In a strange feast hangover" А. Н. Островского (1934), "Commoners" А. М. Горького (1946); the Central children's theatre: "wolves and sheep" Ж.-Б. Мольера (1937).
One of the founders of the national centerarizona art. From 1915 he worked as a cinema artist at the invitation kinofirmy "Timan, Reinhardt, Osipov and Co"; scored the films "Russian gold series" — "Portrait of Dorian gray" В. Э. Мейерхольда (1915), "grandmother's gift" В. К. Висковского (1916). Collaborated with danger and film studios: a Partnership "Shares" ("Tsar Ivan the terrible" А. Иванова-Гая, 1915), "Neptune" ("the Lady and the hooligan" Е. И. Славинского, 1918;, "Not for money born" Н. В. Туркина, 1918; "Children of Satan" В. Р. Гардина, А. М. Смирнова); the Moscow cinema Committee ("the Uprising" В. Н. Карина, А. Е. Разумного, 1918); national photoobjective ("Mother", 1920); fotokeramika Ukrainian in Odessa and Kiev ("a Specter is haunting Europe", "Locksmith and Chancellor" В. Р. Гардина both — 1923); Sovkino Leningrad ("Red partisans" В. К. Висковского, 1924); the film ("wings of the lackey" Ю. В. Тарича, 1926); Moskinokombinat ("The dirtiest" М. Степанова, 1934)@Lennauchfilm the semicolon ("Judas Golovlev" А. В. Ивановского, 1934); thumbnail ("Dubrovsky" А. В. Ивановского, 1936); Alma-Атинская Studio ("Dzhambul" Е. Л. Дзинага, 1953; together with Е. Е. Енеем, И. М. Капланом).
In the mid 1920-х — the first half of 1930-х worked for the film Studio Mezhrabpom-Русь — Mezhrabpomfilm; scored the films: "His call" and "Cutter from Torzhok" Я. А. Протазанова (both — 1925), "Bear's wedding" В. Р. Гардина, К. В. Эггерта (1926), "Ice house" and "the Lame gentleman" К. В. Эггерта (both — 1928), "the Break" Л. С. Замкового (1929), "Ranks and people" М. И. Доллера, Я. А. Протазанова (1929), "the house of the Dead" В. Ф. Федорова (1932), "Ragged shoes" М. А. Барской (1933), "Loss of sensation" А. Н. Андриевского (1935).
Since the mid 1930-х collaborated with the film Studio Mosfilm: "the Conveyor of death" И. А. Пырьева (1933), "We are from Kronstadt" Е. Л. Дзигана (1936), "Thirteen" М. И. Ромма (1937), "Stepan Razin" И. К. Правова, О. И. Преображенской (1939), "Suvorov" В. И. Пудовкина, М. И. Доллера (1941), "the Thing Artamonova" Г. Л. Рошаля (1941), Kutuzov (1944) and "guilty Without guilt" (1945, Stalin (State) award 2-й extent, 1946) В. М. Петрова, "On the stage" К. К. Юдина (1946, released in 1956), "Admiral Nakhimov" В. И. Пудовкина (1947, together with А. М. Вайсфельдом).
Completed sketch for a monumental ceramic mural "Alexander Nevsky" for the Palace of Soviets in Moscow (1940, made in Gzhel ceramic works under the direction of А. Б. Салтыкова).
From 1906 — participant of exhibitions (exhibition of paintings of young artists in Moscow). Exhibited: "Artists of Moscow — victims of the war" (1915), "10 лет work of the Maly theater" (1927), "Artists of the Soviet theatre for 17 лет (1917-1934)" (1935), works of theatrical artists (1945), works of artists of cinema (1947, 1952), works of artists of theatre and cinema of Moscow (1956), all-Union art exhibition (1957), Exhibition 1-му all-Union Congress of Soviet artists (1957), the fine arts of Kazakhstan (1958), sketches of theatrical costumes of the artists of Moscow (1959), the Republican art exhibition "Soviet Russia" (1960). Works were exhibited at the International exhibition art-декоративных arts in Paris (1925). His personal exhibitions were held in Moscow (1944, 1952).
he Taught at the Central Stroganov-промышленном College (1909-1918, decorative head-театральной workshop), Moscow higher art and-промышленном College (1945-1959); Professor (from 1952). People's artist of the RSFSR (1944).
he was Buried at the cemetery Vagankovsky. A memorial exhibition was held in Moscow (1972).
Work is represented in the State Central theater Museum im. А. А. Бахрушина, the cinema Museum, the Museums of the Moscow art theatre and the Maly theatre in Moscow, St-Петербургском state Museum of theatrical and musical art.
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