Art Investment


AVERINTSEV, Ivan Vasilievich

9 (21) January 1881 (Moscow) — 31 июля 1954 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist arts-прикладного art

Studied at the Central Stroganov school of technical drawing (1904-1907). In 1921 he mastered the technique of etching under the guidance of teachers VKhUTEMAS И. Н. Павлова and Н. А. Шевердяева.

he Lived in Moscow (until 1922, 1938) and Petrograd — Leningrad (1922-1938). Author of decorative panels; drawings for carpets, fabrics, ceramics, glass — in particular, for Fyodorovsky town of Tsarskoe Selo. Member of the artel of artists "Murava" (1904-1906 (?)). Participant of all-Russian Congress of artists in St. Petersburg (1911-1912) Worked in several departments of the people's Commissariat for education (1918-1922). In 1923-1926 — employee Peterhof lapidary factory; fulfilled "inkstand made of Jasper and of onyx", which was presented В. И. Ленину.

member of the Committee on the organization of art-промышленной exhibition held under the auspices of the Russian Academy of artistic Sciences.

From 1906 — participated in exhibitions. Exhibited at the exhibitions of Moscow Association of artists (1906, 1922), group of artists "the Independent" (1907), the work of the Association of artists of applied arts and artistic industry (1919), 21-й exhibition FROM the people's Commissariat of education (1921), "group Association" (1922), exhibition-базаре art products FROM the workshops-УНУ in the starving of the Volga (1922) in Moscow; 5-й Spring exhibition of art works of Ekaterinoslav (1908) and others.

he Taught in Moscow: in spinning-ткацком school (1907-1918), Arnoldo-Третьяковском a school for the deaf, 3-м don College. Н. В. Гоголя, the city College, women's gymnasium Н. Е. Шписс and О. Л. Протопоповой (all — 1910-е), Moscow art-промышленном College (College). М. И. Калинина (1937-1944), the Moscow higher art and-промышленном school (1945-1950); at the Leningrad textile College (1926-1938). Member of the Society of teachers of graphic arts in Moscow (1906-1917). Author of several articles on the teaching of drawing and decorative-прикладного art "Weaving. The guide to learning-ткацких workshops and for self-education" (St. Petersburg, 1914), "Memorable books weaving skill" (Ivanovo-Вознесенск, 1928).

1. The Stroganov school. Imperial Central Stroganov-промышленное school: 1825-1918. Biographical dictionary. M., 2007, vol. 2. P.47-48.
2. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1970, vol. 1. P. 40.

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