Art Investment


PAKULIN Vyacheslav Vladimirovich

2 марта 1900 (Rybinsk) — 18 сентября 1951 (Leningrad)

Painter, graphic artist, set designer

he Studied at the Petrograd school of technical drawing of Baron А. Л. Штиглица — decorative High-прикладного workshops of art (1916-1922, with breaks) А. Е. Карева and В. В. Лебедева then — at Petrograd state free art-учебных workshops — VKhUTEMAS — Vhuteine (1922-1925) А. Е. Карева and А. И. Савинова. Study combined with practice in courses mastery of stage productions, organized in Petrograd В. Э. Мейерхольдом (1918). In 1919-1920 находился military service in the red army.

he Lived in Leningrad. Participated in the design of the city to the revolutionary holidays. Artist-оформитель Decorative Institute (1920-е). Member of Bureau of section of the Leningrad Union of EVERY work of art (1925-1929).

he Painted landscapes, genre scenes, still lifes, Nudes. In the early years (the first half of 1920-х) was busy looking for plastic expression. In the early 1930-х visited creative mission in the Donbas has created a number of works on the industrial topic. Author of painting works: "the Stall of Pegasus" (1920), "still life with tray (Formal resolution textures)" (1921), "still life (Volume and surface)" (1922), "Blue landscape" (early 1920-х), "Nude" (between 1922 and 1925), "Change (Heroic realism)" (1925), "Reaper" (1926-1927), "Terror" (1926-1929), "Passing over the stream (flow Balance)" (1928), "Sailor (tavern)" (1928), "Woman with buckets" (1928), "long live international workers day" (1929), "Swimmers" (1929), "Turbocopy plant “Электросила”" (1931-1932), "On the current farm. Threshing" (1935), "At the Kirov plant. The Stakhanovite brigade" (1936), "a Day of rest on the Islands" (1930-е) and others.

Under the guidance А. Н. Самохвалова participated in creating the mural "Cotton" for VSHV (1935). Executed the mural "Exercise" for the Soviet pavilion at the world exhibition in Paris (1937). In 1938-1940 he worked in the experimental workshop LOSSH.

during the great Patriotic war remained in besieged Leningrad; in the winter of 1941 and 1942 daily went to the sketches — created a series of urban landscapes (watercolor, gouache). After the war, he continued to work on creating a series of landscapes of Leningrad.

Since 1922 — participant of exhibitions ("the society of new tendencies in art" in Petrograd). Member of-учредитель and permanent Chairman of the society "Circle of artists" (1926-1932). Member of the Board LOSCH (XLP, 1932). Participated in exhibitions: Petrograd artists of all directions (1923), the final works of students of the Leningrad Academy of arts (1925), "Modern Leningrad artistic groups" (1928-1929), 1-й citywide exhibition of fine arts (1930), "Artists of the RSFSR for XV years" (1932), exhibitions of works by Leningrad artists (1935, 1938, 1940, 1942, 1943, 1947, 1951) in Leningrad; prints the exhibition of Leningrad artists (1939), works by Leningrad artists during the great Patriotic war (1942), All-Union art exhibitions (1943 — "Heroic front and rear", 1946, 1947) in Moscow; "Leningrad during the blockade" in Perm (1943) and others.

Posthumous exhibition of works was in Leningrad (1959).

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State Russian Museum, the State Museum of history St.-Петербурга and others.

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