Art Investment


BOLOTOVSKII Ilya Yulievich

1 июля 1907 (St-Петербург) — 1981 (long-Айленд, USA)

Painter, graphic artist, writer

From the family lawyer. Youth held in Baku. In 1920 together with his family went abroad. He studied at the French College Saint Joseph in Constantinople. In 1923 he moved to the USA in 1929 he took American citizenship. He received his artistic education at the National Academy of drawing in new-Йорке (1924-1930) И. Г. Олинского. Received prizes for pictures (1925, 1926), Hallgarten prize for painting (1929, 1930) and a scholarship Fund Л.-К. Тиффани (1929, 1930).

Traveled to Europe (1923). Influenced by the work П. Мондриана began to create figurative paintings and continued to remain a devotee of abstract art. Member abstract-экспрессионистической group "Ten" (along with Л. Шанкером, А. Готлибом, М. Ротко, j. Solanum and other; 1936-1938). In 1936, together with И. Лассау, j. Morrison, Э. Рейнгардтом he founded the Association of American artists-абстракционистов; later became a founder and honorary member of the Federation of modern painters and sculptors. Created one of the first monumental abstract paintings in the U.S. in building the company's Williamsburg housing project in new-Йорке (1936). Later completed the painting of the medical pavilion at the world's fair (1939), the buildings of the hospital of chronic diseases (1941), High school Theodore Roosevelt (1941), cinema I (1959), College Southempton (1968), North Central hospital (1960-е).

As an easel painter he worked in the spirit of geometric abstract art and neoplasticism; painted with a combination of monochromatic surfaces with the greatest intensity and density of color in the center of the canvas. From 1961 created a triangular scenic structures — "columns", each face of which represents a complete picture, and the two adjacent faces, seen from a certain angle, — new song ("Dark-красная column", "Metal column B", both — 1961; "Red, white and yellow", 1971). In those years I began to use non-rectangular format — rhombus, rarely — ellipse and circle (the"Black-красный diamond", 1967; "Red Tondo", 1967-1968; "Dark diamond", 1971; "Vertical ellipse, Yellow, red-красный", 1972).

Participated in group exhibitions in many cities of the USA. Held in new-Йорке about 30 personal exhibitions. He was awarded the Grand@new ndashпри-Йоркского Museum of non-objective painting (1941), prize for abstract painting of the National Institute of Arts and Letters (1971), Gran-при Memorial Fund J. С. Гуггенхайма (1973).

he Taught at the College, black mountain (1946-1948), Brooklyn College (1954-1956), Wyoming (1948-1957), new-Йоркском (1957-1965) and long-Айлендском (1967-1973) universities. Headed art Department of the College Southempton (1973).

in Addition to artistic activities, engaged in cinema and literature. Directed about 40 короткометражных films, many of which were devoted to modern painting and artists: Н. Габо, М. Дюшану, Л. Невельсон and others. For research in the field of cinematography won the Grand prize-при Wyoming (1953, 1954) and new-Йоркского (1959, 1960) universities. Experimental film "Metanoia" (1961-1962) was awarded the University of Chicago at the festival "Midwest film" (1963).

Author of short stories and plays in Russian and English languages. The editor of "the Russo-английского dictionary of painting and sculpture" (new-Йорк, 1962).

Tragically died after falling into the Elevator shaft.

Bolotovskii Retrospective exhibitions were held in Houston (1984), new-Йорке (1987, 2007).

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the Museum of modern art, the Brooklyn Museum, the Whitney Museum in new-Йорке, the Philadelphia Museum of art, the Art Institute in Chicago and others.

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