Art Investment


Malyshev Nikolay Tarasovich

1851 (St. Petersburg) - the first third of the twentieth century (?)

Painter, graphic artist

Biographical details are scarce. In 1871-1878 he studied at the IAH as volnoslushayuschego student. During the period of study was repeatedly awarded small (1874, sketch, drawing, 1879, sketch songs) and large (1878, sketch) silver medals. In 1881 he traveled to Europe. In 1882, for painting "Flower Girl", "Seller of rarities," "Street in Cairo," was awarded the title of class artist of the 3rd degree. He participated in the contest for a big gold medal with a picture of "Ivan the Terrible and storytellers, but the rewards are not received. He worked as a genre painter. Participated in academic announcements (1882).

works are held in several regional meetings, including in the Rybinsk State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve.

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