Art Investment


ZUSMAN Leonid Pavlovich

3 (16) may 1906 (Grodno) — 9 апреля 1984 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist, set designer

From the family of an engineer. He studied at the State free art studios (1919) И. И. Машкова studios Ф. И. Рерберга and А. З. Миганджиана (1921-1923) in Moscow VHUTEIN in Leningrad (1924-1926) К. С. Петрова-Водкина, Vhuteine in Moscow (1927-1929) Д. П. Штеренберга.

he Lived in Moscow. In may 1929, along with В. С. Алфеевским and Т. А. Лебедевой went to a student trip to Leningrad. Worked in the field of easel painting and graphics; executed portraits, landscapes, thematic compositions. Author of painting works: "Billiards" (1927), "Winter" (1937), "Portrait of father" (1960), "the South-Запад" (1962), "portrait of the artist В. А. Дувидова" (1967); cycles: "a Vanished city (Old Zamoskvorechye)" (1960-1970), "Songs of the old lamp" (1960-1970), "a Bygone time" from 1970), "I dreamed" (1975). He practiced color lithograph, linocut.

From 1930-х worked a lot in book graphic art. Collaborated in the State publishing house of artistic literature, children literature, Goslitizdat, the publishing house "Young guard" and others. Illustrated books: "the Story of a red Motel" И. П. Уткина (1931), "the Barricades of Wedding" К. Нейкранца (1932), "Legend about Ulenshpigel" Charles de Koster (1935), "Red and black" Stendhal (1937), "Poems" Ш. Петефи (1949), "the adventures of Roderick random" Т. Смоллетта (1949), "the Island Pharisees" by G. Verdi. Galsworthy (1950), "rook — bird of spring" С. Д. Мстиславского (1957), a collection of "Italian novellas of the Renaissance" (1957), "the Book of one thousand and one nights" (1958-1959, 8-ми T.), "Berlin Alexanderplatz" А. Деблина (1961), ""ride" and other poems" Э. Диора (1962), "Forest boat" Г. А. Балла (1963), "Poems for children" (1966, 2-х T.) and "works" (1970, 3-х T.) А. Л. Барто, "Selected works" (1967, 2-х T.) and "Collection work" (1970, 3-х T.) С. В. Михалкова, "About the art of living well" М. Монтеня (1973, 1975), "Travnitsky chronicle", "the Bridge on the Drina" И. Андрича (1974), "Lyrics" И.-В. Гете (1975) and others.

In 1959 for the design of the book "Praise of folly" by Erasmus of Rotterdam (1958) was awarded the silver medal at the International exhibition "the Art book" in Leipzig; in 1967 for the book "the German Novella" (1967) and the play "Twelve months" С. Я. Маршака (1966) was awarded a diploma in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the great October socialist revolution at the national competition "Best artistic design... books"; in 1972 at the artistic design of the book "the Green tree of life" Л. Н. Волынского (1964, 1971) awarded a diploma 2-й degree at the all-Russian book art contest.

In the mid 1930-х was subjected to charges of formalism, in particular for his illustrations for the book "Legend about Ulenshpigel".

Designed the performances in the Belarusian Jewish theatre in Minsk ("the Enemy" А. Вевюрко, 1935; together with В. С. Алфеевским), the Odessa Jewish theater ("Wandering stars" by Sholom-Алейхема, 1939), the Moscow theater of satire ("the Unequal marriage" of brothers Tour, 1944).

during the great Patriotic war was at the front; painted for front-line Newspapers "the battle for the Motherland", "Wings of Victory". In 1944 был demobilized through illness. Collaborated in the "Windows TASS". After the war he worked as art editor of the magazine "Around the world".

From 1928 — participated in exhibitions. Member (1927-1932) and the Exhibitor 4-й exhibition of the EAST (1928). Member of the USSR Union of artists (from 1932). Exhibited: "Poster at the service of five" (1932), exhibition-смотр of young artists, Soviet illustrations to fiction 5 лет (both — 1936), Soviet color engraving (1937), exhibition of works by young artists "20-летие Leninsky Komsomol", "the Young artists of the RSFSR" (1941), exhibition of artists books (1948, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1955, 1957), painting and sculpture by Moscow artists (1962), of Moscow artists (1964, 1975) in Moscow and others. The participant of many international exhibitions and exhibitions of Soviet art abroad: in new-Йорке, Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit (1929), Paris (1931, 1956), Lyons (1932), Los-Анджелесе (1933), Brussels, London (both — 1938), Brno (1964), Vienna (1974) and others. His personal exhibitions were held in Moscow (1966, 1978).

Author of articles: "don't be a slave to your manners" (1968), "В. Конашевич" (В. М. Конашевич. About yourself and the business. Memoirs, articles, letters. M., 1968).

a Memorial exhibition of works was held in 1993 в Moscow.

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State Russian Museum, the Pushkin Museum im. А. С. Пушкина and others.

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