Art Investment


BROVTSYN, Alexei Alexandrovich

12 августа 1908 (Batumi) — 14 марта 1981 (Yoshkar-Ола)

the Artist theater-декорационного art, painter

From the family of the officer. He studied at Tiflis Academy of arts (1924-1926) А. О. Шарлеманя; Higher art school in Baku (1926-1929); at the directing Department of the Leningrad technical school of performing arts (1929-1932).

he Lived in Leningrad (until 1941). The participant of the great Patriotic war, in 1943, was wounded. In 1943-1945 he lived in evacuation in Central Asia, worked as an artist-постановщиком Kyrgyz drama theatre. 1945-1957 lived in Tallinn, 1957-1960 — Blagoveshchensk, 1960 — in Yoshkar-Оле.

Designed productions for theatres and studios of Leningrad, Kronstadt, Tallinn, Blagoveshchensk: "Mstislav the bold" И. П. Прута (1930; Theatre "Construction" Moscow-Нарвского House of culture, Leningrad), "the Auditor" Н. В. Гоголя (1931, the Theatre under the direction of П. Н. Гайдебурова, Leningrad), "the good soldier Svejk" Я. Гашека (1933, the Theater of the red banner Baltic fleet, Kronstadt), the "Young guard" based on the novel by А. А. Фадеева (1947, the Theatre of the Baltic fleet, Tallinn), "Personal business" А. П. Штейна (1956, Russian drama theatre of Estssr, Tallinn), "City at dawn" А. Н. Арбузова (1957, Russian drama theatre of Estssr, Tallinn), "in the Name of revolution" М. Ф. Шатрова (1958, Amur drama theater, Blagoveshchensk).

between 1960 and worked as an artist in the Mari state theatre smetana (Republican Russian drama theatre the worker); designed the play "Wolves and sheep" А. Н. Островского (1960), "Faust and death" А. С. Левады (1961), "Irkutsk story" А. Н. Арбузова (1963), "Mary Stuart" Ф. Шиллера and others. Drew for Mari magazine "Pachemysh". He painted landscapes, still lifes.

From 1928 — participated in exhibitions. A member and Exhibitor of the Association of young artists of Azerbaijan (1928). Participated in exhibitions: "Artists of the Soviet theatre (1917-1935)" (1936) in Leningrad; Mari Republican art exhibition (1962) in Yoshkar-Оле. A member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Founder and Chairman of the Mari branch of the all-Union society of philatelists.

Mari Taught at the Republican art College and art school for children in Yoshkar-Оле.

Personal (posthumous) exhibition was held in Yoshkar-Оле (2008).

Work is represented in several Museum collections, among them — Museum of fine arts of the Republic of Mari-Эл in Yoshkar-Оле.


1. Directory of members and candidate members of the Union of artists of the USSR as of 1 июня 1967 года. M., 1968. S. 107.
2. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1972, vol. 2. S. 71.

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