Art Investment

Nevyansk icon in the Zurab Tsereteli Gallery

Today in the halls of Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery opens a unique exhibition "Nevyansk icon. "Today the beauty of your having fun" from the collection of Eugene Roizman

Today, 10 November 2009 at 18.00, in the halls of Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery (st. Prechistenka 19) Russia Academy of Arts and Museum Nevyansk icon opens a unique exhibition "Nevyansk icon. "Today the beauty of your having fun" from the collection of Eugene Roizman.

exhibition is timed to the 10-year anniversary of Russia's first private museum of icons in Nevyansk, whose collection includes more than 600 works. Exposition of the exhibition, which included about 300 of them, can trace the development of "nevyanskite" tradition from its beginning until sunset. The earliest is from the exhibition dated icon - "Our Lady of Egypt", refers to 1734. The latest, "Savior" - to 1919.

The four spacious halls Galleries housed icons of rare beauty. Nevyansk icon, according to researchers - one of the highest expressions of the Old Believer art of icon painting. The name of this style of letter received from Nev'jansk - the cultural capital of the Urals mining and metallurgical and spiritual center of the Ural Old Believers. Painters who have written in "nevyanskite" manner, working not only in Nevyansk, but also in other villages foundries (Nizhny Tagil, Old Duck, Krasnoufimsk). Here lived and worked dynasty, first-class masters who worked exclusively on the reservation, and not for sale. More than 100 icons in the exhibition have a signature with the date, which is especially important for researchers.

popular ones nevyanskite icon painters were the images of the Virgin of different types of iconography - Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan, Vladimir, Korsun, the images of Saint Nicholas, the Archangel Michael in the form of magistrates on the horse, the holy warriors. However, the exhibition shows the icons of rare, previously unknown subjects. For the first time exhibited early nevyanskite icon of the first half of XVIII century, characterized by the highest level of performance.

According to experts, Nev'jansk icon - the phenomenon of a bright, deeply original, has no direct analogues in Russian iconography. At the early stage of development nevyanskite school found us with the old Russian icon painting centers - Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Vologda. By the last quarter of XVIII century, Nev'jansk school that has acquired resistance, which external influences can only enrich, not destroy. Submitted icons - from very small, tiny, to large-size images - different unusual decorative, rich colors. Uniquely for the spiritual depth and the picturesque language of the monuments of this time is now called "high Nev'jansk." Nevyansky painters have resorted to a continuous gilding. "Burn" openness color with bright orange and vermilion flash emphasizes dark emerald, dark-purple and blue tones, reminiscent of the Urals malachite, lapis lazuli, charoite. From nevyanskite icons is a feeling of freshness, novelty and joy.

Beyond the Ural region Nevyansk icon is extremely rare, so Moscow audiences given an extraordinary opportunity to get acquainted with a considerable part of the museum's extensive collection nevyanskite icons.

The exhibition will be on January 10, 2010.

Source: , press release PAX

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