Art Investment


MAKAROV Ivan Kuzmich

March 23, 1822 (s Uspenskoe Nizhny Novgorod province, some sources - Arzamas) - April 9, 1897 (St. Petersburg)

painter and graphic artist.

born in the family of the artist Kuzma Aleksandrovich Makarov, founder of Saransk art school, the head of Arzamas-art icon painting school, a pupil and assistant AV Stupina. Art education has received under the guidance of his father, helped him in the execution of orders at the church painting and decoration of holidays in the villages of Penza province. In 1840-1845 he studied at Arzamas artistic iconographic school AV Stupina. At the same time began working as an independent artist, creating a church mural. In 1842, for drawings, sketches and sketches sent to the Board of IAH, was promoted neklassnogo (free), painter. In 1843 the Academy acquired his painting "Two mordovki Ryazan province" for the school museum.

In 1845 he moved to St. Petersburg, where as a student attended volnoprihodyaschego IAH, was engaged in the class of historical painting in Markov. In the same year "in respect of success in painting" The Academy gave her father an artist for his school plaster casts of "statues and heads. During the period of training received two small silver medals: in 1845 for a portrait and a picture "Girls on a walk in Russian Costume," in 1846 - for the drawing.

enjoy the protection of Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna. In 1846, accompanied her on a journey to Italy, Germany and France. He gave drawing lessons to her children. After completing the course in the IAH was sent for two years abroad "for improvements in skill" means the Society for the Encouragement of Artists and Maria Nikolaevna. Lived mainly in Rome. In 1855 he returned to St. Petersburg. In the same year was awarded the title of academician "for art and learning in a beautiful portrait of Arts. Worked on the orders of the imperial family, creating the icons for private orders.

has exhibited his paintings at exhibitions in the halls of IAH and the Society of exhibitions of works of art. In 1881 he held a solo exhibition in St. Petersburg.

From 1865 participated in a mural of Christ the Savior in Moscow. He performed the song "Triipostasny God" in the dome of cardboard Markov. In 1893 he was awarded for this work a gold medal and the Order of St. Anne 3rd degree.

retrospective exhibition of paintings held in 1971 in Saransk.

Makarov - one of the greatest portrait painters of the second half of the XIX century, the representative of academic art. His work characterized certain features of "salons" in terms of ability to present a model in the most favorable light, the quest for external showiness painting techniques, together with the vitality and credibility of performance. Women's and children's portraits of distinguished elegance and grace. Manners are the hallmarks of the severity of the figure, the restraint of color, often built on a combination of contiguous halftone - delicate pink, silver, bluish, light gray, fine play of color, nuances cut-off and volume, a simple single-colored background, "heel". The artist often inside track to a round or oval pattern.

Makarova works are in many museum and private collections, including the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum, the Scientific Research Museum of Russia Academy of Arts, Mordov Republican Museum of Fine Arts. SD Erzya in Saransk and others.

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