Art Investment

Auctions of art


Open 242-е the Auction

Traditional twenty lots — is eight paintings, nine of the original sheets, two works in mixed media and one porcelain lot


Open 241-е the Auction

Traditional twenty lots — is eleven paintings, four sheets of original and three — prints and two sculptures


Warning! Curator's auction "SUMMER" AI Auction. From 13 to 17 August 2018

The sun, the joy of life, the female figure, flowers, nature — are the main theme of the works of the new extra thematic auction ARTinvestment.RU


Lot weeks. Set "Suprematist pastoral" by Pavel Pepperstein

"Suprema" stick to the Bacchante, Nude woman running, holding in his hands a red triangle, lady escapes from the arms of a gentleman to touch the red circle... At the auction AI — what-то desperate absurdist eclectic, embodied in China


Open 240-е the Auction

Traditional twenty lots — is seven paintings, five original leaves and one — printed graphics, one work in mixed media and one set porcelain


"Pushkin — is our everything": rare books and autographs at auction "Russian enamel" on August 16

On 16 August, "the Russian enamel" held an auction of rare books, manuscripts, photographs and historical documents, which will be presented over 400 lots


Painting, graphics, DPI "Russian enamel" on August 8,

The catalog consists of 172 lots, from engravings of the middle of XVIII century to the works of our famous contemporaries


Opened 239-е the Auction

Traditional twenty lots — is eleven paintings, nine of the original sheets and one — prints and two works made in mixed media


Not all on the ruble in the "Antiquarium"

Live auction "Paintings and drawings. Books. Photos. Posters" will be held on Saturday, July 28. Start bidding at 14:00


Opened 238-е the Auction

Traditional twenty lots — is seven paintings, eight original drawings, and three — printed graphics, one lot of two works — poster and the preliminary sketch to it, and one object


Open 237-е the Auction

Traditional twenty lots — ten paintings, four sheets of an original and two — printed graphics, three works made in mixed media, and one porcelain plate


Peter passed the next auction of paintings in the format of "Art for booze"

Aesthetics was chosen to match the beats led wet COP clip "Peter — to drink", and the auction step was one drink equivalent to 250 rubles


Idols of the XX century in the auction "three centuries" July 14

Head to the auction No. 42 "Idols of the twentieth century. Autographs, letters, manuscripts. Painting, drawing, photography," opens Saturday, July 14, at 14:00. In the directory — 211 lots


Russian and Western European art in the house "Russian enamel" 14 July 2018

In the catalog 560 lots — painting, graphics, icons, silver, jewelry, porcelain, glass, bronze, etc.


Today — "Russian art of XIX — XX centuries" in house "KABINET"

At the summer auction of Russian art exhibited 75 lots, including several striking, very rare in the antique market works. Commencement of trading at 18:00


Opened 236-е the Auction

Traditional twenty lots — six paintings, six original leaves and two — printed graphics, four works, executed in mixed media, one porcelain dish and one bronze sculpture


Dealer auction "Russian enamel": cheaper does not happen...

On 12 July, the Cabinet will hold an auction of rare books, autographs, photographs, postcards, and historical papers, which will feature over 400 lots of the XVI–XX centuries


Opened 235-е the Auction

Traditional twenty lots — nine paintings, eight of the original sheets and two — prints and one work, executed in mixed media


234 open-е the Auction

Traditional twenty lots — nine paintings, five of the original sheets and three — printed graphics, one work, executed in mixed media, and one of the author's porcelain plate


The auction, philocarty and used books in the house "Russian enamel"

On Saturday 30 June in the "Russian enamel" will be the next themed auction, which will be represented 422 lot antique postcards, documents, posters, photos, etc.


Auctions on 27 and 28 June in the "Antiquarium": 169 ruble, one — for half a million and seven wonders of the world

Two auction day "Empire" we promise to 620 lots to directories, interesting work and publications, and a bitter struggle for possession


June 23 — head to the big auction day "Empire"

Paintings and drawings, rare books and autographs, photographs and postcards in two auctions: ""Not all on the ruble." Paintings and drawings. Posters" and "Rare and valuable books, autographs, photographs, postcards, archives"


705 lots with a total estimate of over 30 million rubles in the "House of antique books in Nikitsky"

June 28 auction No. 118 "Painting, graphics, decorative-прикладное art, autographs, rare books on art, photography"


Russian and Western European art in the house "Russian enamel"

The next auction of Russian and Western European art will take place on 23 June 2018. Pre-exhibition opened today


Open 233-и the Auction

Traditional twenty lots — is eight paintings, five of the original sheets and four — printed graphics, one work, executed in mixed media, one of the author's porcelain plate and one sculpture


Opened 232-е the Auction

Traditional twenty lots — six paintings, four sheets of original and one — printed graphics, one work, executed in mixed media and one sculpture


Special auction "Metro" will be held simultaneously with 232-м AI Auction June 11-15, 2018

Project — joint. Monday, June 11 regular AI Auction added another 22 lots — selected works from the exhibition "Metro", which made the curators of art-площадки "Outdoor club". The only exhibition that was successfully held in Moscow


"Orders, medals, insignia of the Russian Empire, objects, stories, rare historic photographs" at auction June 16

In the house "KABINET" will feature approximately 300 lots: orders, medals, insignia, badges of the Russian Empire, rare historical photographs, documents, rare editions and posters


"Russian theatre seasons" June 21, 2018 in the house, KABINETT (Berlin)

Collection auction number 4 continues the theme of Russian seasons in the XX century and in this time covers foreign history of Russian ballet and musical theatre from 1910-х 1960-е years


Open 231-е the Auction

Traditional twenty lots — ten paintings, four sheets of original and one — printed graphics, three works made in mixed media, porcelain, one vase and one photo


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Проведенных аукционов

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343 000+

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16 000+

Художников в базе

Auction sale in AI Auction

БАРТ Виктор Сергеевич (1884–1947) Натюрморт с цветами. 1920‒30-е (46 × 37,9 см)

Current bid50000 RUB
End time2024-07-05 12:00
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РАЧКОВ Николай Ефимович (1825–1895) Деревенские проказники. Первая половина 1870-х (53,5 × 40,8 см)

Current bid100 RUB
End time2024-07-05 12:00
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ВАСИЛЬЕВА Мария Ивановна (1884–1957) Богоматерь с голубем. 1931 (29,5 × 23,3 см в свету)

Current bid50000 RUB
End time2024-07-05 12:00
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