Art Investment

Reviews of Auctions in Russia


Bidding "In the Nikita" on March 27. Brief summary

In the House of antique books "In the Nikita" on March 27 in the International Theatre Day, held thematic auction "Art History. Theater, cinema and music. " Revenue reached 15 million rubles (137%of the average total estimate)


"Magnum ARS" on March 20. Brief summary

And the demand for academic art is, and auction houses still have something to offer


VLADEY auction of contemporary art on March 18. How'd it go?

The third trading began in a difficult external background, but ended on quite an optimistic note


"Old and rare books, prints, photographs," in-house "Kabinet" on March 18. Brief summary

Extraordinary antiquarian auction price and other quantitative records are not delivered. But the more interesting, because in the auction at all important, not only and not so much the result, but the process and reflected market conditions. But there


"Emission 2" from the company "Znak". Brief summary

March 15 was the second specialized bonistichesky auction. Interest in the topic certainly is, and despite quite a decent result, the potential of such auctions are not yet fully disclosed


"Three Centuries" keeps the bar

Second antiquarian auction house "Three Centuries" March 2 showed about the same good results as the first New Year antiquarian auction. Stability pleases


Jewelry auction VEAD: Starts at $ 1 did the trick

Jewelry brought Eastern European antique House more than 60 million rubles


Paintings and Drawings at the "Cabinet" on February 26. Brief summary

Sold 59%of the lots. Graphic string was sold by 70%. Heated debate over etchings Shishkin, watercolors and Benoit Albert china plate with African patterns Alexander Yakovlev


Auction "Russian enamel" on February 22. Brief summary

Sold 44%of the lots, the proceeds - 32%of the average of the total estimate. Best selling icons and decorative arts


"In the Nikita" February 20: zaochku made room

At the second session of the "military-revolutionary trading" traded long and hard. Average estimate bypassed by more than forty percent


"Three Centuries." February 16. Brief summary

February 16 auction house "Three Centuries" held the fourth in its history (the third scenic) auction "Paintings and drawings XIX - XXI centuries. Icons XVIII - beginning of XX century "


Bidding «Vicesima secunda» February 15. Brief summary

In the auction house "Znak" on Saturday, February 15 passed 22th faleristics trading and numismatics, earned almost 25 million rubles


Results of the first session of the "military-revolutionary" trading in Nikitsky February 13

Affordability, the participants in the room, on the phones, the Internet and absentee rates, the sea of ​​adrenaline and almost 100%for the money


December 22 auction house "Three Centuries" spent just two auction

The second and the first scenic book trades new auction house in the amount earned over 20 million rubles by selling 37%of the lots


Results of the first dealer auction "Artifact" December 21

Last Saturday's trading in the same complex Prechistenke the gallery began its work the new Moscow auction "Artifact"


Second December antiquarian auction "In the Nikita." Brief summary

December 19 "House of antique books in Nikitsky" held last year at this auction "Rare books, manuscripts, autographs, state documents and photos"


"Russian enamel": results of trading on December 14

Catalog last auction of the season offered a good selection of Christmas gifts - graphics, porcelain, jewelry, etc. Participants answered a weighty presence in the room and on the phones, brisk bidding and


Second "painting" auction in Nikitsky. December 12, 2013. Results

Who said that the graphics do not buy? Correct and quality as buying more - and original, and lottery, and with great bargaining


Book Sales in Nikitsky December 11. Brief summary

Seven-hammer prices reached "Lenten lean," filing "Ladies' Journal" in 1823, the manuscript Derzhavina Kapnist essays and poems indecent Barkov


December 11 "Kabinet" finished the season "picturesque bids"

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VEAD: paintings by old masters from the collection of Basil Goryashchenko

December 7, East European Antique House once again surprised in a good ability to bold experiments


Auction Sunday "Cabinet"

On Sunday, December 8 at the auction house "Kabinet" passed faleristicheskie and antiquarian auction, earned a total of almost 17.5 million rubles. With the hammer went medal "For courage", archive and Chaliapin sign Guardianship of n


Auction "Znak Art" December 7, 2013. Brief summary

Auction House "Znak Art" successfully completed the 2013 season fifth regular trading Russian paintings, drawings and objects of decorative art XVIII - XX centuries «Opus 5"


Russian and Soviet art to "Sovkome" November 21

Good working results. Lots basically went on start


The first auction house "Antiquarium". Brief summary

November 16 auction house "Antiquarium" held its first ever auction - "Rare and valuable books famous meeting." 82.3%of lots sold - a phenomenal result, even for the elders of the art market. Look at the reasons


"Znak." Summary results of the auction Vicesima Prima

November 16th House "Znak" held regular trading. 60%of the money paid for the members of the Order and are desperately fighting for a medal "for drunkenness." Twenty pounds of weight - and they are not confused


"Russian enamel» November 17, 2013. Summary results

Corona was the number string Russian lapidary stamps. The rest was calmer


Book auction "The Office" on November 13. Summary results

Architectural Fantasies, Moscow guides and cartoons of the First World War. Total revenue - almost 20 million rubles


Auction "Three Centuries," November 10, 2013. Summary results

The first auction of the new auction house "Three Ages" were a full house, and showed a good result for the beginning


Gallery LitKabinet November 9. Looking from the outside auctioneer

This time the auction enlightened as X-ray. In the hall watched Vladimir Bogdanov, and in the pulpit leading hoarding impressions Constantine Babulin


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