Art Investment



Roman Babichev: Collecting wisdom says that the course of the collection as the move of the squadron, depends on the slow-moving ship

We publish the second part of the interview of the collector of Roman Babichev devoted to art-рынку and management of the collection. May 28 webinar on the next AI asked questions: head AI E. Molchanov, guest chef-редактор Dmitry Belkevich and webinar participants


Roman Babichev: the Artist must do what he thinks is right, not trying to please

May 28, held a regular webinar AI, organized in the form of an interview. The questions of the head of the portal E. Molchanov and guest chef-редактора Dmitry Belkevich said the Roman Babichev, one of the biggest collectors of Russian and Russian art


Olga Glebova: the graphics Market is very lively, situation of counterfeiting is constantly changing, and the expert is necessary at all times to keep abreast of

Questions on AI meets Olga Glebova, a leading specialist in graphics of Russian artists of XIX–XX century and the main expert on the works of Nicholas Roerich


The modern level of technological expertise of painting allows you to exclude fake almost 100 %

Questions ARTinvestment.RU meets Svetlana Pisareva, one of the leading experts-химиков, head of the laboratory of physico-химического analysis of the State scientific-исследовательского Institute of restoration (GOSNIIR)


Roxanne Zarnegar: If you don't create demand — for you to do more

Executive Director of ARCIS — about the current requirements for the management of collections and the role of technologies, innovations and discoveries in the life of a collector


Yulia Rybakova: the work of the expert is akin to the work of the investigator

Continuing our series of interviews with leading experts of Russian art-рынка. Questions on AI meets the biggest expert on Russian and Soviet art of the twentieth century by Julia Rybakova


Natalia Ignatova: Experts will be less likely to make mistakes when there is a large database of reference Museum items

AI interview with N. S. Ignatova, research officer GRC them. academician I. E. Grabar, a leading expert on Russian painting of the XIX century and the world's best expert on Aivazovsky, opens a series of interviews with leading experts of Russian art-рынка


Meet the Brussels art fair BRAFA 2017

Interview with the Chairman of the BRAFA Harold T Kintom de Roodenbeke


Interview with artist-шестидесятником Mikhail Grobman

Grobman — one of the key figures in post-war unofficial art — today lives in Israel. Recorded by Alexei Shulgin interview recently AI publishes with the permission of the artist and the journalist and with minor cuts


The law on circulation of cultural property. Position developer — Alexander Swades

Questions on AI said the Deputy head of the working group under the Committee on the state Duma's property


Buy antique icons. Tips for beginners

How not to make a mistake at the first independent purchases ARTinvestment.RU asked to speak to Arkady ANCOVA, a respected scholar, an expert on icons and moderator of the section "Icons" on


What do the symbols on the prints. Interview with Valery Silaeva

To explain some of the lottery schedule found on signs, as well as to answer questions from new buyers, we asked the specialist equipment and graphics materials, accredited expert MKAAD Valeria Silaeva


Interview with the Director of the French auction house ADER David Nordmann about the new Department of Art and history"

On the first trading organized a new unit 19 December 2014, and further "Russian" plans of the French auction


Meet BRAFA 2015. The cultural heritage Foundation King Baudouin will show "Belgian collector"

Interview with Dominique Alarm — Director of Foundation King Baudouin, honorary guest of the fair BRAFA (Brussels)


Buying antique weapons on the Russian auction. Questions and answers

Buy antique dagger, and won't there be any problems with the police? And not the procedure simply to apply what-нибудь license? Fortunately, the law does not repairing any obstacles bona fide old (antique) weapons


On the eve of Paris Tableau. Interview with the founders of the exhibition of paintings by old masters

The founders of the International exhibition of paintings by old masters Paris Tableau (Paris Scoreboard") answered the questions of our portal


Today 40 years "Bulldozer exhibition"

September 15, 1974 in a vacant lot in Belyaevo was held inconsistent by the authorities show of paintings in the open air, dispersed with use of a communal machinery and went down in history as the "Bulldozer exhibition"


Sergei Burmistrov in books and manuscripts. Interview with the head of the auction house "Gelos"

Secondhand segment in Russia has high resistance to unfavorable economic background. What to prepare bibliophiles in the new season?


Interview with Olga ilina, the organizer of the evening auction Christie's "Art-Бульвар"

Crimean artistic tradition is deeply rooted and actively growing. Auction-рынок still quite young, but he has serious prospects. Interview with the Executive Director of the gallery "Art-Бульвар" (Moscow) Olga ilina


Interview with artist and poet Yuri Cooper

Meetings begin at nine in the morning, dozens of phone calls, travel, house - architectural design office - a new workshop on the ruble. Life boils. Cooper former


Towards fair BRAFA-2014. Tips collectors from Russia

Interview with the President of the Belgian Fair BRAFA Harold T'Kintom de Rodenbeke and BRAFA representative in Russia by Catherine Lemonade - de Rochambeau


Interview with Vladimir Ovcharenko, owner of Regina Gallery and Auction VLADEY

With gallery owner Vladimir Ovcharenko AI met a week before the second auction of contemporary art VLADEY, which will be held October 17, 2013. The talk was not only about trading but also about the market situation as a whole


Against the Daugavpils Mark Rothko Center

Interview with Farida, Zaletilo – the author of idea and organizer of the Daugavpils Mark Rothko Center


On the eve of the auction schedules Erte. Interview with the organizers

June 8 in Paris at the auction the auction house Bailly-Pommery & Voutier customers will be offered a collection of graphics famous Russian artist Erte abroad - with an interesting provenance and attractive estimeytami


Auction "in Nikitsky" will painting, drawing and DPI

On the eve of the first non-book trading director Sergei Burmistrov and auction curator Anatoly guest told AI, the auction plans to win the attention of non-book collectors


Freeport Singapore. Opportunities for Russian collectors

Interview with Tony Reynard (The Singapore Real Estate) and Christian Poly (Fine Art Logistics)


Interview with the President of the Belgian Fair BRAFA Harold T'Kintom de Rodenbeke

19-27 January 2013 in Belgium will be the 58th Fair of antiques and art objects BRAFA


In Moscow renewed International Fine Art Fair

VI Fair, which opens on December 14 and will bring together more than 50 galleries, auction houses and jewelry firms, making the French team led by the organizer and president of the Salon Amory Chaumet


Anastasia Degtyarev of the exhibition from the collection of Russian avant-garde Sepherot Foundation

Sepherot fund two years of its existence, has taken part in exhibitions of Russian and foreign museums and galleries. The last great project based on the collection of the Fund - Chashnikov exhibition, Malevich and the Tretyakov Gallery Suetina


Artist Gor Chahal on the situation of gallery. AI Interview

How to relate to "reflow" galleries? How do Galleries in force today, requires the artist and how to build relationships with them?


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