Artist of the week. "Russian Parisian" Nikolai Isayev. 1891-1977
The representative of the school of Paris, he exhibited with Goncharova, Larionov, Chagall, Zadkine, Soutine, Puni, Lansky, Charchoune and others. And just now "reference Isaev" (so-called our painting expert Valery Silaev) sold AI Auction
Artist of the week. Vladislav Izmailovich Matveyevich. 1872-1959
Before court portraitist, after the princes and king's Ministers, he wrote one of the first "canonical" portraits had just come to power Lenin, and later became the author of a risky portrait of the performance c the images of the Emperor and the leader of the Bolsheviks
Художник недели. Константин Горбатов. 1876–1945
Знавший успех и в России и в Европе, Константин Иванович Горбатов провел последние годы в бедности и опасениях за жизнь в столице фашистской Германии. Он умер в мае 1945-го в освобожденном Берлине. Картины из мастерской отправили в Россию
Artist of the week. Nikolai Ivanovich Feshin
Now considered a Russian-American artist emigrated to the U.S. from Russia in 1923, already an accomplished master. His former teacher Ilya Repin at the end of life called Mao the most talented of modern Russian painters
Artist of the week. Vasily Polenov
October 17, 2019 at the New Tretyakov gallery opens the exhibition "Vasily Polenov", which is doomed to become a blockbuster along with the "Valentin Serov" and "Ilya Repin". In the autumn of the artist start to write all vying. So I have a little in advance
The sixties Alexander Zhdanov, Alexander Kudryavtsev and albert Goguadze AI on the Market
At the auction, which will conclude on Monday 15 April at 15:00, the works are mostly familiar to our customers, authors. Many were in the category "Artist of the week", many of us wrote earlier. Except, perhaps, three
Artists of the week: "Character Komar & Melamid". 1972-2003
Met in the morgue for the students of the art school was destined to become the inventors of Sots-арта, organizers of the "bulldozer exhibition," American merchants and the souls of the most recognizable representatives of the independent Soviet art in the world
Artist of the week. Pavel Pepperstein
In the "Garage" has opened a crazy post-modernist exhibition, according to bold up to risk another intervention "outraged public". Former inspector of "Medical hermeneutics" and the literary father partorg Dunaev again kicked ass
Artist of the week. Victor Pivovarov — radical romantic Moscow conceptualism
The successful Soviet artist, book illustration, designer of dozens of books and inventor of the logo of the children's magazine "Cheerful pictures" Pivovarov in 1970-е became one of the main figures of Moscow conceptualism
Artist of the week: Sergei Bordachev
Member of the "bulldozer" exhibition in Belyaevo in 1974 Bordachev was not among those who joined the "conspirators". But he, like several of his colleagues feel the need to come to the wasteland with the picture in his hands. To freely show at least one thing
Artist of the week. Alexander Slyusarev
Photographer-шестидесятник Alexander (San Sanych) Slyusarev entered the history of Russian art as an innovator of a minimalist metaphysical pictures
Artist of the week. Peter Belenok
Once the official Soviet sculptor Peter Belenok deliberately refused knurled career and entered the history of art as one of the key unofficial artists and the Creator of a unique style of "panic realism"
Artist of the week: Ilya Kabakov. Towards the retrospective in Russia
From 21 April to 29 June 2018 at the Main headquarters of the St. Petersburg Hermitage will host an exhibition of Ilya and Emilia Kabakov "In the future take not all" — scale retrospective of the key figures of Moscow conceptualism and of the pioneer total installations
Artist of the week: Artur Fonvizin
An outstanding draftsman, virtuoso "wet watercolor", "bonobouitoolbar" the first convocation, and later persecuted in the USSR "formalist" — Arthur Fonvizin became the inspiration for a whole galaxy of young artists-нонконформистов
Artist of the week: Yefim royak — avant-garde, novicevic, Soviet artist
A student of Chagall and Malevich pan, once the youngest artist in the UNOVIS, roach eventually made a successful career in the Soviet system of art and industrial design. And very few people knew that in his heart he to the end remained faithful to the ideas of the avant-garde youth
Artist of the week: Natta Konysheva — Queen of the avant-garde with Serebryanicheskaya
The artist of the older generation of Soviet avant-garde, the master of "reportage painting with elements of dreams." Today the works of legendary Konyshev are the undisputed hits of AI Auctions
Artist of the week: "the left-Most artist of Asian Russia" — Victor Ufimtsev
In 1919, the white guard Omsk were fleeing Russia David Burliuk. Inspired by the great futurist Victor Ufimtseva was destined to become one of the main representatives of the Siberian and Turkestan "avant-garde stopped on the run»
Artist of the week: Alexander Savko
Ironic artist working in the style of neo-поп-арта, unwittingly became one of the faces of the new "forbidden art", again emerged in Russia in the mid-2000-х. It got to the point that in 2011 the court found one of Savko and all extremist
Artist of the week. Vladimir Yakovlev
In 1970-е his works became decoration of many apartments and dachas of Soviet physicists and poets. Powerful, popular, very Russian in spirit to the artist. It is symbolic that the flower Yakovlev designed the cover of the second volume of the "Other art"
Artist of the week. Victor Kazarin
Bright representative of unofficial art 1970-80-х years party gorkomovskoy group "21". Today we capture a new wave of interest to creativity of the outstanding Russian neoekspressionista, work Kazarina became the hits of the Auction
Artist of the week. Vladlen Gavrilchik
Pure St. Petersburg's history. Guryanov recalled that Gavrilchik was one of the favorite artists of Timur Novikov. Nonconformist, the artist-самоучка, the poet, the original. Worked, without consulting the Soviet government, without a thought to survive until the warm days
Artist of the week. Konstantin Khudyakov
Twenty years ago, former chief designer of the Museum of Lenin, and later the party gorkomovskoy "twenty" Konstantin Khudyakov changed the brush and the aerator on the computer and optics. Today, his digital painting is among the hits of the Auction
Artist of the week. Igor Snegur
Snegurovskogo abstract composition, 1989 — the most significant paintings of the sixties, participant of "Taganka" and "Bee" offered for public auction in Russia
Artist of the week. Yuri Annenkov
Life Annenkov — solid adventure novel length in ' 84. With the intrigue, unexpected twists, chases, tragic accidents, lucky escapes, and heroic victories
Artist of the week. Sixties Nikolay Rotanov
Until Friday AI Auction sale abstraction Rotanova 2003. In the late 1970-х the artist, whose works are bought Kostaki, became a regular basis to obtain waivers vystavkomov. In the end, exhibition history Rotanova was interrupted for many years
Artist of the week. Alexander Labas
AI Auction a large watercolor from the series "October" one of the most important artists of the avant-garde 1920-30-х, an eyewitness to the events of 1917-го and member of the Civil war Alexander Labasa
Artist of the week. Sixties Eduard Zelenin
Drawing on current bids of the Auction was an occasion to read about the fate and work of one of the most important artists in the history of the "new Russian Diaspora", participant "bulldozer" and Izmailovsky Park exhibitions, emigrated to France in 1975
Picture of the week. Yuri Vasiliev (MON). "Harmony of letters" 1971
This artist-шестидесятнику Bulat Okudzhava dedicated the famous song "Painters, dip your brushes" (1959), which we hear in the movie "the Pokrovskie gate"
«Звезда» Алексея Гинтовта на AI Аукционе
Рубиновая кремлевская звезда, изначально сделанная по эскизу советского академика и лауреата пяти сталинских премий Федора Федоровского, входит в число главных образов в творчестве самого известного этатиста в современном русском искусстве
Artist of the week. Alexander Ney
This year the outstanding Russian artist and sculptor @78 mdas, more than half of his life he lived and worked in the United States. But the incredible beauty of Terra cotta adorned the most important Russian collections in the informal post-war art
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12.05.2022The king walks in any weather. Personal exhibition of artist Andrew Munz AI in the gallery "XXI century. Contemporary Russian art"
17.08.2020A common story: Artsy. Part 1
13.08.2020Open 342-е the Auction and 28-й curator's auction "XXI century"
11.08.2020Artist of the week: Leonid Purygin
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