Art Investment

Denisov Vladimir Alexeevich


Pseudonyms,autonyms and aliases: Alexandrovich


DENISOV Vladimir (Aleksandrovich (?))

on July 22 (August 3) 1887 (the village of Nova Sloboda, Kursk province) — on September 14, 1970 (Kiev)

Painter, graphic artist, art critic

he Studied at the law faculty of Kyiv St.-Петербургского universities (1900-е), Tartu University in Dorpat (1908-1911), in the Archaeological Institute in St. Petersburg (1911-1914). Parallel to painting and drawing in the workshop С. И. Светославского in Kiev (1905-1906), College Ф. И. Рерберга in Moscow (1906-1907) А. М. Васнецова in the Studio Я. Ф. Ционглинского in St. Petersburg (1907-1908).

Lived in St. Petersburg (Petrograd, Leningrad), Kiev (from 1929). In 1912-1914 he made a trip to European countries. Author of landscapes, still lifes, themed paintings: "still life with books" (1915), "the Attic (Winter skyline)" (1917), "still life with Cup" (1918), "Windmills" (1928), "Leningrad — tour" (1929), "still life with woodworking tools" (1930), "Sea surf" (1937), "Autumn in Talgar" (1942), "Winter in Talgar" (1943), "The open window" (1945), "lilacs in a yellow pitcher" (1945), "In the first flight with the new harvest" (1945-1946), "Flowers and fruit on the box" (1947), "On the Dnieper" (1947), "Kyiv University" (1948), "the Evening sun" (1950), "still life. Educational corner" (1954), "still life with violin" (1956), series of landscapes of the Crimea (1950-60-е), "at the entrance to the camp “Артек”" (1968), "Friends are always ready to accept" (1968).

In 1921-1922 — staff member of the Museum of artistic culture in Petrograd.

From 1915 — participated in exhibitions. Member of society "Union of youth" (1917), a member and Exhibitor Association "Circle of artists" (1927-1929), the Union of artists of the USSR (1932). Exhibited: Petrograd artists of all directions (1923), "Modern Leningrad artistic groups" (1928-1929) in Leningrad; Ukrainian art exhibitions (1946, 1948, 1957, 1955, 1968) in Kiev. Held a personal exhibition in Kiev (1969).

he Taught in VKhUTEMAS-Вхутеине in Leningrad (1921-1928), the Higher courses of art history in Leningrad (1928-1929), the Kiev state art Institute (1929-1962). The author of the book "War and the lubok" (PG., 1916), critical articles.

the Memorial exhibitions were held in Kiev (1971, 1989).

the Work presented in the State Russian Museum, Kyiv national Museum of Russian art, National art Museum of Ukraine in Kiev.


1. State Russian Museum. Painting. The first half of the twentieth century. Directory (G @And mdas). St. Petersburg, 2000, vol. 9. P. 73.

2. Konovalov Э. Г. Новый full biographical dictionary of Russian artists. M., 2008. P. 165.

3. The Association "Circle of artists". 1926-1932. Catalogue of the exhibition. Timing. St. Petersburg, 2007. P. 177.

4. Directory of members and candidate members of the Union of artists of the USSR as of 1 июня 1967 года. M., 1968.

5. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1976, vol. 3. S. 334.

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