Art Investment

Художники и цены

Художник: Васильева Мария Ивановна

История продаж доступна подписчикам

О работе

Год создания1930
КатегорияСмешанная техника
ТехникаДоска; темпера, металлическая краска
ПровенансПриобретена во Франции более 20 лет назад нынешним владелецем.
Размер, см*61×49


Подпись латиницей и дата "novembre 1930/Paris" внизу справа.
Mobilier et Décoration, Revue Française sur les Arts Décoratifs, 1931, стр. 291.
Michel Legrand, Mascottes Passion, Editions Antic Show, 1999.
Выставлялась в Париже, Grand Palais, Bonhams, La Vente du Grand Palais, февраль 2011.

François Roques born in Aurillac in December 1876, was the first external artistic advisor to the fashion house Hermès. During the 1920s he produced designs for a panoply of items manufactured by the house including leather cushions, stationery, belt buckles, hat trimmings, handbags and luggage. His craftsmanship was apparent in the simple yet beautiful and modern patterns, in particular the renowned 'L'amour et l'argent' pattern which was reproduced on lacquer cigarettes cases, playing card boxes, lighters, silver dog tags and the famous radiator cap for cars. With Roques's designs, Hermès enjoyed great success at the 1930 Salon des Décorateurs due, in part, to his boundless modern yet sensitive creativity.

The offered lot is known among automobilia circles due to the fact that Vassilieff has depicted Roques holding a car mascot of his design [see fig. i]. As if to reflect the simplicity and modernity of Roques's designs, Vassilieff portrays the designer in almost ethereal tones, with Lalique-like birds and a winged figure surrounding him. The mascot which Roques is holding is defined by its outline and the space within and, in the same way, Vassilieff builds her composition with clean lines and colour tones to present the designer and his philosophy of design.

We are grateful to the Curator of the Archives at Hermès International for their assistance in cataloguing this lot.

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