Anniversary Exhibition Mikhail Nesterov in the Tretyakov Gallery
In the TG on the Crimean Val opened the exhibition on the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov (1862-1942). Presents about 300 works from 24 museums in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and 10 private collections
In the Tretyakov gallery opened the exhibition "Mikhail Nesterov. In search of his Russia. 150-летию birthday".
the Largest exhibition of the year dedicated to the outstanding painter, graphic artist and muralist Mikhail Vasilievich Nesterov (1862-1942), whose work is a special page in the history of the Silver age. Scenic search wizard were in line with national-романтического Russian symbolism and art Nouveau. The artist's works reflect the most important features of the Russian character and nature of Russia. Its content and depth of the art Nesterov in tune with religious quest of Russian writers and philosophers of the turn of XIX–XX centuries. And later in the rigid ideological framework 1920-х — beginning 1940-х years, his works the artist continued to assert humanistic ideals.
About 300 works from 24 museums of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and 10 private collections show a wide range of artistic interests Nesterov: paintings on religious themes, portrait, landscape. Besides easel works, the exposition includes sketches of the temple murals and mosaics. Many works have been specially restored for the exhibition ("Youth of St. Sergius", 1892-1897), and the painting "Golgotha" (1900, both — TG), dozens of stored on the shaft after the complex restoration exhibited for the first time. A number of valuable paintings and graphic works have recently entered the collection of the Tretyakov gallery of collections owned by the granddaughter Nesterova I. V. Schroeter and family architect A. V. Shchusev, a friend and colleague of the artist. These works are also past restoration, on display in full and will be open to the General public and professionals.
M. V. Nesterov — comes from a wealthy merchant family Ufa with strong Orthodox traditions, which largely determined the internal world of the future artist. An even greater role in the development of his personality was played by the native land nature — Urals. "Commercial untalented" Nesterov has kept from participation in the family trading business. In 1877, fifteen young men, he entered the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture, the atmosphere of which was determined V. G. Perov, favorite teacher Nesterov. Under the influence of the master and the traditions of the Wanderers, the young artist became interested in the genre painting, but saw in it an opportunity to Express their individuality. He soon found the range of themes and style associated with the new age, the era of art Nouveau and symbolism.
the Essence of his art Nesterov defined as "poetisized realism." The artist has always bothered images that embody the idea of the moral perfection of man, his spiritual heroism. The most profound and artistically sophisticated steel works in which Nesterov created a poetic myth of Holy Russia, not concretized in historical time, it seems it is a kind of "timeless ideal of the original unity of human existence with the life of nature"
the Nine sections of the exhibition, organized simultaneously in chronological, genre and thematic principles that demonstrate a creative way of Mikhail Nesterov in diversityartistic endeavors, Hobbies and occupations: "Beginning of the road (1877-1886)", "Approval of his theme", "the Cycle of Sergius of Radonezh", "romance in color" "In the space of cathedrals", "Portraits of the modern era (1900-е)", "After 1917," "Portraits 1921-1941 years", "Documentary-биографический section".
First Nesterov found his own theme in the painting "the Hermit" (1888-1889, TG), where man and nature are in harmony and unity. The most complete artistic and moral ideals were expressed in the painting "Vision of young Bartholomew" (1889-1890, TG). The displayed colors of the landscape and fragile figure of a boy give the image a certain flatness, almost immaterial, connecting to the web lyricism and monumentality. The product has opened a cycle dedicated to St. Sergius of Radonezh: "Youth of St. Sergius" (1892-1897), "Proceedings of St. Sergius" (1896-1897, both — TG), "St. Sergius of Radonezh" (1891-1899, RM).
this cycle adjacent work "Dmitry-царевич murdered" (1899, RM), where the image is on the verge of a real and iconic images. The characters of Nesterov in a state of "quietest interior prayer," which the artist conveys, using a restrained range of colors: green, pink, blue-синих. Nesterov admitted that he avoided portray "strong passion", preferring "our quiet landscape, a man living an inner life." Similar contemplative mood imbued his landscapes "Silence" (1903), "the Fox" (1914, both — TG), "homeland Aksakova" (1914, Bashkir state art Museum im. M. V. Nesterov, Ufa).
the Painter worked on works devoted to the fate of Russian women. The exhibition brought together for the first time paintings conceived Nesterov "novel in paint": "To the mountains" (1896, Kiev national Museum of Russian art), "the Great vows" (1898, RM), "Beyond the Volga" (1905, Astrakhan state art gallery them. Space).
Special cycle of paintings about the people, stretching out from the hustle and bustle of the world: "Christ's bride" (1886, private collection), "Evening bells" (1910, Vyatka artMuseum. V. M. and A. M. Vasnetsov), "the old man. God's servant Abraham" (1914-1916, Samara regional art Museum). In these works, full of harmony, read and deep sadness. In the literature, these images embody Dostoevsky, N. S. Leskov, P. I. Melnikov-Печерский. Nesterov opened the subject in painting.
the centerpiece of a large-scale painting "In Russia (Soul of the people)" (1914-1916, TG). It appears as a collective image of Russia: a kind of procession brought together people of different ages, classes and conditions, typical figures of Russian history that embody the national spirit.
for the First time so completely (about 100 sheets) are shown sketches and preparatory cartoons Nesterov monumental works, which became a new word in Church art. The most significant among them — sketches of murals in the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev, in the Church of Alexander Nevsky in Abastuman (Georgia), Church of the Intercession at the Marfo-Мариинской convent of mercy in Moscow, the Trinity Cathedral in Sumy (Ukraine), sketches, mosaics in the Church of Resurrection (Savior on spilled Blood) in St.-Петербурге. In the paintings of the master appeared lyricism and intimacy inherent in his work. At the same time, they joined the tradition of Western European art, in particular the English pre-Raphaelites, and the national style of Russian neo-romanticism took shape in the XIX — twentieth centuries.
the most Important sections of the exhibition devoted to the portrait work of Nesterov. As a portraitist, he announced himself in the mid-1900-х years. Among the best works of this genre — "Portrait of the artist's daughter, O. M. Nesterova (Amazon)" (1906, RM). Definition of the silhouette, expressive color stains, special elongated shape, the plastic language of painting close to art Nouveau. Double portrait "Philosophers" (1917, TG), depicting religious thinkers of P. A. Florensky and S. N. Bulgakov, became the harbinger of a brilliant gallery of images of contemporaries, established in the 1920s-х — the early 1940-х years and is considered the top of portraiture of the time. The artist does not paint portraits to order, he portrayed the people close to him in spirit, passion for creativity, filled with powerful creative energy. Among them — artist V. M. Vasnetsov (1925), physiologist Ivan Pavlov (1935), sculptor V. I. Mukhina (1940), architect A. V. Shchusev (1941, all — TG).
Specially produced for the exhibition catalog-альбом, which includes more than 400 illustrations, reproducing paintings, watercolors, drawings, archival photographs. It was first published by new Dating of the works specified in the course of restoration and attribution of works. Self-prepared electronic edition. The educational program includes lectures, meetings with experts in the exhibition, guided tours, themed concerts, art practice in the Creative workshop. At the time of the exhibition renewed "late Thursdays".
Source: press-релиз GTG
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