Art Investment

In Pushkin Museum show gold of the Incas

Today at the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin presents "A Thousand Years of Inca Gold", representing objects from the Museum's collection of gold in Lima Peru

Pushkin Museum. Pushkin, March 18 - May 26, 2013
st. Boston, 12. The main building, Italian courtyard

now in the Pushkin Museum. AS Pushkin presents "A Thousand Years of Inca Gold." The exhibition features more than eighty unique exhibits of ancient cultures of South America from the Museum of Gold (Lima, Peru). The basis of the collection of the museum is the collection of Miguel Mujica Gallo, which represents more than 8,000 ancient artifacts in gold and silver. Beginning of the collection of Miguel Gallo laid acquisition in 1935, now in the collection of the Museum of gold, whose director was the daughter of a Peruvian collector Victoria Mujica, collected monuments of pre-Columbian cultures of South America - Chavin, Huari, Paracas, Mochica, Chimu, Nazca and, of course, the Incas.

unique works of art that are on display in the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin, made mainly of gold and silver. Precious metals, which is so rich that part of the world, always valued the ancient inhabitants of the continent. Purity, color and luster of gold reflect mythological ideas tribes of South America, who considered themselves descendants of the deities of the sun, their progenitors.

Gold was used primarily in the ritual sphere. Thus, the construction of temples and conducting ceremonies in honor of the gods was always accompanied by casting ritual utensils made of gold, which adorns the space of temples and large stone statues. In an effort to appease their gods and spirits, the Indians buried the gold and silver ornaments, sacred sites, or throwing them into the waters of the sacred river.

of ritual objects in the exhibition , cups and vessels, decorated with images of totem animals, which were considered sacred, such as the jaguar, the cougar, condor, snake and others. A separate group of monuments are tumi ceremonial knives. They are likely to be an important attribute to royal and priestly power and were used during sacrificial rituals.

especially numerous in the exhibition of traditional Indian gold jewelery. It is above all the royal headgear, braces, pendants and plates adorned not only clothing, but also the body of the ruler. Since its richness and expressiveness of different large jewelry for the nose and ears, which often take the form of a circle or crescent. Ancient tribes believed that the basic vital holes in the body of the person to be protected gold charms that keep body and soul from the influence of evil spirits. Numerous amulets and jewelery were supposed to protect rights and after death, so the same items can be used in the funeral ceremony. In addition, the number of gold objects, amulets, talismans, decorating the body of the deceased and his tomb, and the quality of the art products indicated the social status of the deceased and his importance to the community or the state even after death.

sculptural pitcher gold, beryl. H 17,1 cm, Ø 9,8 cm
Gold Museum, Peru
The funeral mask. Lambayeque culture. 980-1450 years. BC. Oe.
funerary mask. Lambayeque culture
980-1450 years. n. e.
Gold, beryl, vegetable gum
Gold Museum, Peru

variety of traditional forms and methods for manufacturing items made of precious metals, represented in the exhibition, visitors will learn many new and interesting things about the features of the production technology, which created the ancient inhabitants of the Americas.

And that gold, so to speak , "access" has become one of the main reasons for the destruction of the ancient Latin American civilizations. When in the XVI century, the Spanish conquistadors arrived in the capital of the great Inca Empire - the sacred city of Cusco (south-western part of modern Peru), their eyes appeared amazing picture. As reported by the Spanish archives of ancient documents, in magnificent Temple of the Sun Koricancha (literally "Golden Temple") can be seen cast disc of gold the size of a wheel, symbolizing the god of the sun, the golden figures of men and llamas in full size, all the walls of the church were covered with sheets of pure gold. Tens of tons of gold and silver found in the temples of the conquerors, settlements, tombs, were mercilessly melted in large ingots and sent to Spain.

Yet artistic heritage of pre-Columbian cultures and civilizations have persisted and Through this exhibition, presented in the Pushkin Museum. AS Pushkin, we can get to know him and learn a lot about the mysterious and dramatic world gold Inca and their predecessors.

Source : press release Pushkin Museum. Pushkin

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