Art Investment

Treasury of the Medici. From the Museum of Silver and other museums in Florence

The exhibition in the Kremlin for the first time in Russia are masterpieces that were included in the collection of the famous Florentine dynasty

Moscow Kremlin, May 20 - August 1, 2011

Medici Coat of Arms - Coat of Arms of the Dukes of Lorraine. Around 1589
Workshops Grand Duke of Tuscany
Mosaic of soft stone
Florence, the Museum of the Florentine mosaic

Today in the One-Chamber of the Patriarch's Palace in the Moscow Kremlin opened a unique exhibition titled "Treasure of the Medici." It continues a series of exhibitions representing the world's treasures in the Moscow Kremlin Museums. ( More about the" read "" Treasure of the Medici "in the Moscow Kremlin. Announcement." )

Portrait of Lorenzo the Magnificent. 1555-1565 Portrait of Lorenzo the Magnificent. 1555-1565
Agnolo di Cosimo, known as Agnolo Bronzino; workshop
Tin, oil
Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi
Cosimo II de 'Medici and his wife Maria Magdalena of Austria and his son Ferdinando II. Around 1640
follower Justus Suttermansa (Carlo Bossi?) (Worked between 1633-1655)
Oil on canvas
Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi.

Visitors first have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the monuments XV - XVIII centuries, from the famous treasures of the Medici. Today, its main part is stored in Florence at the Museum of Silver, which is located in the Palazzo Pitti. Over the centuries, this palace was the residence of a powerful dynasty. Medici ruled Tuscany for centuries and have gathered a unique collection of precious artifacts, which became the model for subsequent rulers of collectors, "protomuzeem" and the prototype of the future European Cabinets, and Florence turned in a brilliant capital of the arts.

Portrait of Queen Catherine de Medici of France. 1547-1559
Germain Le Manne (?) (Served between 1537-1559)
Oil on canvas
Florence, Palazzo Pitti, Galleria Palatina
Portrait of Queen Marie de Medici of France. 1611
France Pourbus Junior
(Antwerp, about 1569 - Paris, 1622)
Oil on canvas
Florence, Palazzo Pitti, Apartments

laid the foundation of the collection of Giovanni di Bichchi (1360-1429) and Cosimo the Elder (1389-1464), which began with the financial and political rise of the dynasty . Already in the XV century, the Medici have realized that the possession of exquisite antique things enhances their social status, says about their education and involvement in the arts and thus is an important tool to gain political power.

plate with a parrot on a branch of a pear. XVII century.
Workshops Grand Duke of Tuscany
Mosaic mainly from soft stones on a background of black marble
Florence, the Museum of the Florentine mosaic
bowl of salt. Cup - mid-XVI century.; Socket - 1560-1567
Rim - Francois Krevkyuer (dates of life are not known, referred to in 1555-1567)
Nacre, covered with carvings and engraved, painted, silver molding with embossed and gold
Florence, Palazzo Pitti, the Museum of silver
Source: kreml. ru
River landscape. The first quarter of the XVII century.
Workshops Grand Duke of Tuscany
Mosaic of solid stone
Florence, the Museum of the Florentine mosaic
Putti, blow bubbles. XVII century. Putti, blow bubbles. XVII century.
Terms Francois du Quesnoy (1597-1643)
Ivory, wood stand
Florence, Palazzo Pitti, the Museum of silver

exhibition launched in chronological order and represents the interests of the Medici collecting, beginning with Lorenzo the Magnificent (1449-1492) and ending with Anna Maria Luisa (1667-1743), who referred dynasty treasures of Florence. An important goal of the exhibition - to show the process of formation and development of collections of ancient and Byzantine objects in the Renaissance handling things up to the baroque. Sites associated with specific members of the dynasty, presented not only as the famous wonders, but as things that reflect the mythology of his time (ancient and Christian symbols and stories of their borrowing and the development of the Renaissance, Baroque allegory).

Portrait of Philip II of Spain (obverse);
Portrait of Don Carlos ( reverse side). Around 1559-1562
Jacopo da Nitstsolla Trezzo
(Trezzo, 1514 - Madrid, 1589)
Onyx, gold, colored enamel
Florence, Palazzo Pitti, the Museum of Silver
Adoration of the Magi. XVII in.
Johann Christian Brown (by attribution) ( 1654-1738)
Florence, Palazzo Pitti, the Museum of silver

Visitors are magnificent works glyptic created in ancient times, as well as cameos made on the basis of the ancient samples, with portraits of the Florentine rulers who wanted to be immortalized in accordance with the ancient Roman cult of the illustrious men. Great interest has gems with mythological images, and scenes from Roman history. The exhibition presents superb examples of works in the technique of Florentine mosaics, ivories, small plastic, bronze, jewelry.

suspension in the form of the gondola. Around 1568
Giovanni Battista Scolari
Gold , colored enamel, pearls, rubies, emeralds, diamonds
Florence, Palazzo Pitti, the Museum of silver
shoemaker. End of the XVII century.
German goldsmith
Gold , colored enamel, baroque pearl, diamonds, gold plated metal
Florence, Palazzo Pitti, the Museum of silver
pendant with a dragon and a bee.
German jeweler.
about 1580 Gold, enamel, rubies , baroque pearl
Florence, Palazzo Pitti.
Source: kreml. ru
Pendant with Venus and Mars
Last quarter of the XVI - XVII in.
German Workshop
gold, colored enamels, pearls, rubies, emeralds
Florence, Palazzo Pitti.

Individual attention, excellent baroque jewels associated primarily with the name of Anna Maria Luisa de 'Medici. belonged to her pendants and jewelry created from baroque pearls , gold and multicolored enamel, decorated with ancient stories, pictures of the commedia dell'arte, genre scenes, and many others.

items that belonged once to different members of a powerful dynasty, represented by a number of portraits of the Medici. Among them are portraits of influential women - Marie de Medici and Catherine de 'Medici, who became Queen of France.

Cup. Middle of XVII century.
Florentine workshop (?)
Oriental agate, silver gilt
Florence, Palazzo Pitti, the Museum of silver
Bowl for sprinkling holy water. 1513-1521
Valerio Belli (Vicenza, about 1468-1546)
Rock crystal, gold, translucent enamel
Florence, Palazzo Pitti, the Museum of silver

exhibition allows visitors to experience the splendor and luxury of the treasures of the Medici, to plunge into an era when art was valued authority and power to turn into art. The exhibition is of great interest to the general public and aims to strengthen cultural ties between Russia and Italy.


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