Art Investment

«Night» Van Gogh at the Museum of Modern Art in New York

In the New York Museum of Modern Art hosts the first exhibition devoted to «night» theme in the works of famous painter Vincent van Gogh

September 21 at the Museum of Modern Art in New York opened an unprecedented exhibition «Van Gogh and the color of the night» (Van Gogh and the Colors of the Night), organized with support from the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. The exhibition features 23 paintings and 10 drawings of different periods of his life and reflecting the author's lyrical perception of the night in the landscapes and interiors. In addition, the Museum of Modern Art exhibited some of letters the artist, as well as books from his library, where he drew inspiration. Among them are works of Emile Zola, Hans-Hristana Andersen, Victor Hugo, Heinrich Heine.

famous Dutch post-Vincent van Gogh (Vincent van Gogh, 1853-1890) turned to the theme nights throughout the creative way. At the end of XIX century to write the picture in the dark, especially relying only on their own observations, it was considered a difficult task. You can, however, no doubt, to say that Van Gogh in this case succeeded because they did not limit the basis for his works only the surrounding reality or just my imagination. He leaned and then, and more. For him, the reality is intertwined with the symbolic, and items acquired spirituality, which he sought to convey. It was in the night scenes of his experiments with imagination, memory, and the observations have gone especially far.

exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York is divided into four parts. The first is called the «Early landscapes», and includes paintings depicting a twilight landscape, written in the years 1883-1884. The second section - «Life farmers» - is devoted to the works of Van Gogh on the peasant theme, performed in a small village Noynen in the southern Dutch province of Brabant. Here you can see the famous canvas «trencherman potatoes» (1885). The third part - «Sower and fields of wheat» - works, reflecting a recurring motif in the master's wheat. The fourth and final section - «Poetry Nights», which can be described as the culmination of the exhibition, gives a full picture of lyrical perception of the artist this time of day. Its center is a wonderful canvas «Starry Night» (1889) from his own collection of the Museum of Modern Art, which inspired the creation of the gallery exhibition.

exhibition «Van Gogh and the color of the night» it will be possible to attend up to 5 January 2009, after which she went to the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, which will be on display from 13 February to 7 Jul, 2009.

material produced Catherine Onuchin

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