Art Investment

Word on the patron of the arts: an exhibition devoted to Princess Tenisheva, the Museum of History

The State Historical Museum opened an exhibition «Princess Mary Tenisheva in the mirror of the Silver Age», timed to 125 anniversary of the opening of the museum

State Historical Museum continues the tradition of monographic exhibitions devoted to Russian art patron and collector of the turn of XIX - XX centuries. Suffice it to recall an exhibit dedicated to Peter Ivanovich Shchukin, held at the museum two years ago. The main hero of this project was the Duchess Tenisheva.

Maria Klavdievna Tenisheva (1858-1928) - one of the brightest representatives of intellectual and artistic aristocracy of the late XIX - early XX century. Her activities as a patron and collector we owe the emergence of such a remarkable phenomenon in Russian culture of the turn of the century, as talashkinskie-of-the-art studios, one of the main centers of revival neorusskogo style of decorative applied art. In addition, the Duchess Maria Klavdievna was the founder of the art studio in St. Petersburg, drawing school, and the Museum of Russian antiquity in Smolensk, college students, under the craft Bryansk.

Talashkino It was mostly the brainchild of the Duchess - it is embodies the concept of «ideological estate», ie the center of enlightenment, the revival of traditional folk art culture and, simultaneously, the development of agriculture.

Maria Tenisheva financed (with Savva Mamontov) edition of the magazine «The World of Art», logistical support creative work by Alexander Benois, Serge Diaghilev, and other prominent artists of the Silver Age.

Archaeological interests Tenisheva tied it with a historical museum. For example, the famous excavations Gnezdovo, the largest in Europe mound complex near Talashkino started on its own motion, at its facilities and with its participation.

The exhibition includes works from the Russian Museum, St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, State Tretyakov Gallery, the Museum-Reserve «Kolomenskoye», Theatrical Museum. Bakhrushin RGALI, State Historical Museum and a number of regional museums, as well as from private collections in Russia and France

In particular, one can see portraits of Mary Tenisheva work of Ilya Repin and Jacob Tsionglinskogo, Konstantin Korovin watercolors from the collection of Princess Tenisheva transferred as a gift to Russian museum of applied art from its collections, balalaikas painted, made to order Tenisheva for the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900.

Of particular interest are the author's subjects, executed personally or on sketches of Princess Tenisheva: pair of candlesticks Mary Klavdievny 1907, mirror on the floor psyche-sketch Tenisheva, Box 1903, performed in talashkinskih workshops for its design, and many others .

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