Art Investment

The Russian auction house, summed up the third auction in Moscow

Sold 65 lots of 207

November 26, 2011 Russia's auction house held a third in Moscow antique auction. At the auction have been exposed to unique works of Western European and Russian masters of the late XIX - XX centuries, as well as decorative items and jewelry. Two previous auction, organized by the auction house, held in St. Petersburg.

total number of lots held an auction - 211, 4 of which were filmed before the start of trading, including a glass in honor of Memorial occupation of Paris in 1814, acquired before the auction, the State Hermitage Museum at the lowest price.

The auction sold 65 lots. Including 42 lots of paintings of section 3 of the icon, and 20 pieces of arts and crafts (including jewelry 8).

The main event was the auction sale of one of the most interesting lots - Their Gift Imperial Majesties first Olympic champion in the history of Russia Nikolai Panin-Kolomenkin. For gift beat several buyers in the end he went with excess of estimate by 10 times, for a record amount - 2 million rubles.

Summarizing trades, general director of Russian auction house, Andrew Stepanenko , said: "We are pleased with the outcome of the auction. We sold 30 percent of the lots. This is a good result, considering that the EDA just starting to work on the Moscow market and in the absence of Russian culture antique auction. Our sales are not comparable with sales of Sotheby's and Christies. At RADA 2-year history, and during this short period of auctions of art objects and antiques have repaid the project. This ensures that trading will continue, and we will do our best to secure its success.

We sold almost all of our top lots. Total sales for the results of the last auction of 75 million rubles.

greatest interest was the section of paintings and graphic works. Painting «U turn" (1915) sold for 7.8 million rubles. Were also sold paintings Ye «Boyaryshnya», Vitaly Tikhov «The Bathers," "Gone with the barge» Vladimir Orlov . We are very pleased with the sale of "Bathers" Vitaly Tikhov: the picture was put on quite a high price, and yet it found a buyer. Thanks to him, set a new record price for a work by this artist.

excess record - 10 times - reached on the sale of gift first Olympic champion in the history of Russia Nikolai Panin-Kolomenkin.

Other interesting lots were bidding drawings from the famous collection Grigory Mikhailovich Levitin. Of particular interest were the product Hildebrandt-Arbenina , Basil Chekrygin , , .

expected interest was the icon "Holy Face" in a silver frame, which sold for 1 million rubles, and the box of cigarettes by "Charles Blanc».

past auction was for our first experience in mixed trading - with participation of interested persons in the room, by telephone and the Internet. Internet and phone participants in general were unusually active. For a year we have employed specialized electronic playground, which offers potential buyers the ability to remotely participate in the auction.

In general, the Moscow public has expressed a keen interest in the auction, the hall was packed. We plan to conduct the spring of 2012 the fourth auction, which clearly takes place in Moscow ».

most interesting lots of third auction

< td width = "248" bgcolor = "#ffffff"> Nicholas Roerich
At the turn (left for abroad).
1915 Tempera and cardboard. 46,5 × 46,5
Lot 33
Estimate: 240-260 thousand dollars
Start: 7.6 million rubles
Result: 7.8 million rubles < /div>

Lot 33. Top-lot auction - painting by Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947) "At the turn" (1915) . Cost of 7.6 million rubles, the sale price of 7.8 million rubles.

On the back of the picture is a pencil inscription (perhaps the author's ) "Out on the frontier." However, in all sources from 1916 to the present day, the work referred to under the title "The overseas." The picture was first published in the album "Nicholas Roerich," published by "Free Art" in 1916 year. According to the album, at the time of publication of the picture in the collection of Roerich, the wife of the artist. S1916, and the present situation was in a private collection in St. Petersburg, not exhibited or made public.

VITALY Gavrilovic Tikhov
1923 Oil on canvas. 91 × ​​115 Lot 29

Estimate: 540-560 thousand dollars
Start: 16.84 million rubles
Result: 16.84 million rubles

Lot 29. Vitaly Gavrilovic Tikhov (1876-1939) "The Bathers" (1923) . The initial price of 16.84 million rubles, the sale price of 16.84 million rubles.

Tikhov graduated as an auditor Imperial Academy of Fine Arts (1904 - 1912). In 1912 he received the title of the artist's painting "The Bathers". Later the author continued to work on the theme of "Bathers", creating a series, which is presented and a picture. At a time when it was created, the skill of the artist's already reached its peak. Work is distinguished by impressionistic style and the highest level of performance. His works are in the collection of timing, PAX and in private collections.

Vladimir Orlovsky Donatovich Blown boat.
1887 Oil on canvas. 116 × 101,5 < br /> Lot 45
Estimate: 355-420 thousand dollars
Start: 11.21 million rubles
Result: 11.21 million rubles

Lot 45. Donatovich Vladimir Orlovsky (1842-1914) "Gone with the barge" (1887) . Cost 11 21 million rubles, the sale price of 11.21 million rubles.

Vladimir Orlov - painter, professor of landscape painting, a member of the Academy of Fine Arts (since 1878), one of the founders of Kyiv Art School. Motifs his paintings are very diverse, especially in landscapes with the effects of the sun.

This work "Gone with the barge" - one of the best, popular at the time of this large landscape works second half of XIX century. 1887 exhibited at the Art Academy, repeatedly reproduced in pre press, including the publication of FI Bulgakov's "Album of Russian painting. Pictures VD Orlovsky. By the 25th anniversary of artistic activity" (St. Petersburg, 1889). Orlovsky works are in many museum collections, including the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Scientific Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts, the State Museum of Ukrainian Art in Kiev and other.

CONSTANTINE MAKOVSKY Ye Boyaryshnya. The last quarter of XIX century
Oil on canvas. 60,3 × 50,2
Lot 63
Estimate: 395-460 thousand dollars
Start: 12.475 million rubles
Result: 12.475 million rubles

Lot 63. Konstantin Makovsky Ye (1839-1915) "Boyaryshnya" (the last quarter of XIX century) . The initial price of 12.475 million rubles, the sale price of 12.475 million rubles.

Konstantin Makovsky - the famous Russian artist, author of genre works, large-scale historical and genre scenes, portraits of high society. In the work of Makovsky stands and a special genre: portraits boyaryshen. Black-browed, with long drooping lashes, melancholic or provocative, in kokoshniks different form, with bows, earrings, necklaces, they made a whole gallery of Russian beauties. This work is an excellent example of this genre of portraiture.

Boris Kustodiev
Seascape with sailboat
end of XIX - early XX century
canvas on cardboard, oil. 15,6 × 23,6
Estimate: 40-50 thousand dollars
Start: 1.1 million rubles
Result: 1.8 million rubles

Lot 81. Kustodiev Boris (1878-1927). "Seascape with sailboat" (end of XIX - early XX century) . Cost of 1.1 million rubles and the sale price of 1.8 million rubles.

Kustodiev - an outstanding Russian painter and graphic artist. The student of Ilya Repin at the Higher Art School at the Imperial Academy of Arts.

During his short life BMKustodiev worked extensively in all genres of painting, including the landscape. This work is a rare example of a creative legacy marinizma this wizard. As the work of other genres, it is distinguished optimistic worldview, energetic strokes of plastic, sonority and sunny color palette.

Drawings from the collection of Gregory Levitin

Lot 117. Olga Hildebrandt-Arbenina (1897/98-1980). Three drawings. Watercolour. [in the field. 1957. 40,5 × 30; Flowers. 1962. 41,8 × 30,1; Flowers in a vase. 1963. 41,5 × 29,7.] Cost of 70 thousand rubles, the price of the sale of 140 thousand rubles.

Olga Hildebrandt-Arbenina - actress, a graphic artist. It was known as the muse and lover Gumilev and Osip Mandelstam, the addressee of poetic dedications of poets of the Silver Age. Until 1923, spoke at the Alexandrinsky Theatre.

< p class = "mat1"> Founding member of the group "13." participant of the group exhibitions.

Lot 120. Vasiliy Chekrygin (1897-1922). Two drawing. The beginning of the XX century. Pencil. Cost of 80 thousand rubles, the price of the sale 150 thousand rubles.

Chekrygin Basil - a Russian painter, graphic artist, one of the founders and most prominent Artists Association "Makovec».

beginning of the 1920s - the flowering of the artist. Chekrygin created several graphic cycles "Execution" (1920), "Crazy" (1921), "Hunger in Volga "(1922) and" Resurrection of the Dead "(1921-1922). He was one of the founders of the Union of Artists and Poets" Art - life "(" Makovec. ") and creative career of the artist was cut short too early. At the age of twenty-five years Chekrygin died tragically caught in the train.

Lot 127. Tyshler Alexander G. (1898-1980). "Gypsy." Costume Design for Theatre "Romen". 1936. Paper, watercolor . Cost of 25 thousand rubles, selling price 85 000 rubles.

Alexander Tyshler - painter, graphic artist, theater designer and sculptor. laureate of Stalin Prize (1946) Commander of the Order "Badge of Honor." With the gift of theater thinking, combining psychology in their projects and decorative effect, for many years worked as a theater artist Tyshler in different cities. In 1930 he served as chief artist Gypsy Theater "Romen."

icon" Holy Face "in a silver frame of St. Petersburg, 1891
porcelain painting. Silver 84 samples, gilding, embossing. 30.9 x 22,5
Lot 138
Estimate: 26-28 thousand dollars
Start: 750 thousand rubles
Result: 1 million rubles

Lot 138. The icon "Holy Face" in a silver frame. Porcelain, paintings . Silver 84 samples, gilding, embossing. St. Petersburg, 1891. Master Mikhail Y. Isakov, owner of the shop of gold and silver jewelry, 1889-1899 years. The initial price of 750 thousand rubles, the price of sale of 1 million rubles.

«Writing in china Olga Tihannovna Olfereva be with the original academic Iv. Kuzma. Makarov, and under his leadership has corrected ».

Ivan Kuzmich Makarov (1822-1897) - Russian painter-portraitist. He was born in Arzamas. In 1844 he moved to St. Petersburg and began attending classes under the guidance of Prof. T. Markova. At the end of the academic course chosen this specialty portraiture, which quickly earned him a reputation among the Petersburg public. Enjoyed the patronage of Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna. In addition to portraits, Ivan Kuzmich Makarov wrote a number of icons for churches and paintings on religious themes, including such works as "not made with hands the image of the Savior" and "Christ Blessing the Imperial Family" (Alexander Palace, Tsarskoye Selo).

Makarov works are in many museum and private collections, including the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum and Research Museum of Russian Art Academy.

memorial gift in the form of a triumphal column, crowned by a ridge, labeled
«Their Majesties N. Panin-Kolomenkin»
Moscow, 1908-1917
silver 84 samples, gold, molding, embossing, engraving, hand-refinement. Pedestal - wood. Height 16 cm
Master Matrona Andreyevna Andreeva, owner of the mill gold and silver articles
Lot 166
Estimate: 7-8 thousand dollars
Start: 200 thousand rubles
Result: 2 million rubles

Lot 166. Gift of Their Imperial Majesties first Olympic champion in the history of Russia N. Panin-Kolomenkin . Cost of 200 thousand rubles, the price of selling 2 million rubles.

gift in the form of a triumphal columns, made of silver, topped ridge, made of gold, with a modest inscription "Their Majesties N. Panin-Kolomenkin" was produced at the Moscow factory Matrona Andreeva.

Kolomenkin Nikolai (1872-1956), speaking at international competitions under the name of Nikolai Panin (Nicholas Panin), became the most powerful Russian figure skater in the early twentieth century. It is five time champion of Russia - in 1901, 1902, 1903, 1905 and 1907. In October 1908, Nikolai Panin represented Russia at the IV Olympic Games in London in the program are to address the Olympic Congress in 1894 included the organizers of the first winter sport - figure skating. won in these competitions, the athlete became the first Russian Olympic champion sport.

This gift N. Panin-Kolomenkin received a Merit of Their Imperial Majesties hands of Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna. The subject is of great collectible and historical value, being both a unique relic of the Olympic movement in Russia and the personal gift of the imperial family. <

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МАВРИНА Татьяна Алексеевна (1900‒1996) Без названия. 21 октября 1979 (15,5 × 24 см в свету)

Current bid100 RUB
End time2024-07-05 12:00
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ЯНКИЛЕВСКИЙ Владимир Борисович (1938–2018) From the Series Images of Women (Из серии «Женские образы»). 2004 (80 × 60 см)

Current bid100 RUB
End time2024-07-05 12:00
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Current bid150000 RUB
End time2024-07-05 12:00
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