Art Investment

Russian Sotheby's auction brought $ 16 million

For $ 2 million paid for "Dance among the swords" Henry Semiradsky and mosaic table era of Nicholas I

yesterday in New York Russian auction Sotheby's brought 16.1 million dollars - this is the best result for the auctions of Russian art in the New York office of Sotheby's in April 2008.

HENRI Semiradzki
dance among swords. 1887
Oil on canvas. 77 x 155
Lot 11. Sotheby's. 12.04.2011
Estimate: 600-800 thousand dollars
Result: 2,098,500 dollars

Top-lot trades in a section of fine art work has become "dance among swords» Henry Semiradsky . Painting was sold for an impressive 2.098 million - a new record for the artist's works at public auction. This is one of the most recognizable works Semiradsky. There are four authors' version of "Dance" (version 1881 is in the Tretyakov Gallery). At Sotheby's got the work in 1887 from the collection of Chicago's Dr. Eugene Slotkovski (Eugene Slotkowski).

view of St. Petersburg
Oil on canvas. 41 x 72,5
Lot 6. Sotheby's. 12.04.2011
Estimate: 300-500 thousand dollars
Result: 746.5 thousand dollars

Landscape brushes Petr Petrovich Vereshchagin «View of St. Petersburg" originating from the collection of the famous dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov, went under the hammer for 746.5 thousand dollars, far surpassing the estimate of 300-500 thousand. Five candidates were traded for this lot by phone, eventually bought the work of a private collector from Germany. The proceeds from the sale of the landscape, will go to finance the Arts Centre named after Mikhail Baryshnikov in New York.

Vereschagino landscape so far the only work from the extensive collection of works of art XIX - XX centuries, belonging to Baryshnikov, got on the auction. Several hundred pieces collector gave to his art-center in the future, he plans to donate his entire collection there.

Nicholas Roerich
Novgorod market. Set Design by Rimsky-Korsakov's "Sadko." 1920
tags. 71 x 91,5
Lot 23. Sotheby's. 12.04.2011
Estimate: 400-600 thousand dollars
Result: 842,5 thousand dollars
BORIS Boris Grigoriev
boy in a sailor suit
Oil on canvas. 61 x 51
Lot 22. Sotheby's. 12.04.2011
Estimate: 200-300 thousand dollars
Result: 782.5 thousand dollars

Set Design "Novgorod market" from the opera "Sadko" brush moved to a new owner for 842,5 thousand dollars, exceeding the upper estimate of 600,000. Significantly higher than the original estimate was sold as the work Boris Grigoriev «A boy in a sailor suit - 782.5 thousand U.S. Estimé 200-300 thousand dollars.

Yuri Pimenov Pianist. 1926 Yuri Pimenov
The Pianist. 1926
Paper on the board, mixed media. 66.5 x 47
Lot 31. Sotheby's. 12.04.2011
Estimate: 500-700 thousand dollars
Result: 602.5 thousand dollars

for his work "The Pianist", made in 1920 celebrated Soviet artists Yuri Pimenov , Sotheby's was rescued by 602.5 thousand dollars. This is a new auction record for works on paper Pimenov.

Head of Russian Art Sotheby's Bekkerman Sonya (Sonya Bekkerman) noted that the upcoming Russian sales in London in June and in November in New York York buyers will be invited to more upscale products.

In the section of arts and crafts, as expected, became a favorite of the mosaic table, made in the years 1830-1833 the Italian master of Barbury Gioachino (Gioacchino Barberi ). Svetlana Honest Expert found that the table is likely intended as a gift to Emperor Nicholas I or someone close to him . Perhaps it is an outstanding provenance helped lot more than three times the upper limit of the estimate and go under the hammer for almost $ 2 million.

Mozaichny mosaic table. 1830-1833
Master Gioacchino Barberi (Italy). 84 x 104
Lot 254. Sotheby's. 12.04.2011
Estimate: 400-600 thousand dollars
Result: 1,986,500 dollars
porcelain figurines" Little Blacksmith "and" The Little Reaper »
State Porcelain Factory Lomonosov, Leningrad. Circa 1926
Lot 172. Sotheby's. 12.04.2011
Estimate: 12-18 thousand dollars
Result: 188 500

Customers liked very figurines, manufactured at the Leningrad Porcelain Factory Lomonosov. Estimé within an average of 10 thousand dollars, almost every statue has left half, or three times as expensive. Especially hot struggle was developed for a pair of rare figurines young blacksmith and the reaper, dating from about 1926 a year. With a total estimeyte pair of 18 thousand dollars of its net result amounted to 188.5 thousand dollars. Price figurines "saleswoman apples" in 1927 also increased tenfold: from 9 to 98.5 thousand dollars (lot number 170).

In addition, a bronze sculpture group "Arab Horse Racing horse "a new buyer paid 482,500 dollars (estimate 140-160 thousand dollars) - a new record price for art bronze Eugene Lancere .

material was prepared by Maria Onuchina, AI

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