Damien Hurst again all surprised
Shortly before his personal auction Damien Hurst announced that no longer wants to create his famous paintings of concentric circles and the wings of butterflies, as well as cabinets stuffed with pills, and in formaldehyde
News from the life Demiena Hurst (Damien Hirst) appear almost every week. British media followed his every step: after all, the main star. Hurst is the richest British artist. His installation «Sleeping spring» for some time even pobyla the first in the list of the most expensive works of living artists . Hurst also is a list of two most important collectors of art in the world . The following month, auction house Sotheby's is going to make a Hirst at auction, which will be sold exclusively his work , including the famous painting, speed, pictures of butterflies, cabinets with the pill, the corpses of animals in formaldehyde and paintings with circles. All products will be traded directly «from the factory». We know that most of the works the artist made assistants. Hurst was famous for including that produced his paintings large numbers. But, as reported by Bloomberg, more to do so he would not. Tired? Or the market is already «perekormlen» circles and butterflies? Let's see what is said Hurst ...
Recently, at Sotheby's a video recording of an interview with the artist, where he announced that soon his run production will come to an end, and explains this by saying that he really tired. Solo auction Beautiful Inside My Head Forever (which will be held in London on 15 and 16 September), for many will be the last chance to buy a tin spin paintings and butterfly paintings. Recall that the spin paintings (picture-rotation) are created by the application of paint on canvas, on a rotating table, and butterfly paintings made of dead butterflies. In addition, Hurst announced that soon will become history, and stuffed animals in formaldehyde: it will make several more such works at this stop. The most famous guy became preserved shark, which in 2004 bought a billionaire Steve Cohen (Steve Cohen). Hurst is also going to put an end, and paintings with color circles (spot paintings), but decided that did not do.
Tayrrell Jude (Jude Tyrrell), director of Hirst Science Ltd. said that the artist has also decided to stop production «health clinics» (cabinets with pills). It is to this type of installations owned «Sleeping spring». Tayrrell also states that it is unknown the exact number of paintings by Hirst.
In a telephone interview with Bloomberg in London art dealer Robert Sendelson (Robert Sandelson) said that the world goes more than 800 pictures with circles and the market already is replete with such works Hirst. This affects the price.
In June 2007, a triangular pattern with circles «hydrocodone» was sold at London's Christie's International for 412 thousand pounds (about 769 thousand dollars). In May 2008 the first work appeared in the New York Sotheby's, which has 589 thousand dollars. Dangerous sign! Dealers in London Marriage Ivor (Ivor Braka) endorses the decision of Hirst stop production run of products before the market completely by obestsya. Pictures with the circles, however, appear not stop, but now they will be less. Thanks to his decision Hirst work can be a rarity.
Material prepared Yulia Maksimova
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