Art Investment



on 14 March 1916 (Kharkov) — on 1 September 1980 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist

he Studied at the Kharkov art Institute (1932-1939, until 1933 — on rabfak) С. М. Прохорова, А. А. Кокеля in the battle workshop Н. С. Самокиша. Diploma defended in 1950.

he Lived in Kharkov and Moscow (1939). Worked as an artist-декоратором in the Kharkov theatre (1937). In 1939 he was called up for military service. In 1940 he entered the Studio of military artists to them. М. Б. Грекова worked under the guidance of П. П. Соколова-Скаля, Г. К. Савицкого, В. С. Сварога.

Painter, portraitist. Between 1941 and 1945 as a war artist was at the front; as part of a team of artists worked to prepare the campaign posters under the title "a Piece of the red army". Created a series of front-line sketches.

the author of the paintings: "the Battle for the station Krukovo" (1943), "On the Dnieper river" (1943), "the Guardsmen don't give up" (1945), "Parade on red square in 1941 году" (1953), "Athletes of the Soviet Army" (1955), "the Battle at the redoubts" (1956), "the Defeat of German-фашистских troops near Moscow in 1941 году" (1968); portraits — В. И. Чуйкова (1949), А. М. Спильниченко (1957), С. Ф. Горохова (1962).

Participated in the creation of dioramas: "the Crossing of the Soviet army across the Dnepr river South of Kremenchug in 1943 году" (1945), "the crossing of the Dnieper by the Soviet army" (1947, together with А. М. Стадником, П. И. Жигимонтом; the Stalin (State) award, 1949; protected as a thesis), "the battle of Poltava under Peter the great" (1960), "the Capture of the headquarters of field Marshal Paulus" (1962), "the Defeat of German-фашистских troops near Moscow in the area of Kryukovo in 1941 году" (1968); panoramas: "the battle of Stalingrad" (1950), "Volochaevskaya battle" (1971-1975, together with С. Д. Агаповым). Entered the creative group (Е. В. Вучетич, Я. Б. Белопольский, А. А. Горпенко) for the creation and installation of the monument to the Soviet army soldiers in Berlin ("the Warrior-освободитель", 1949; the Stalin (State) prize in 1950), for which fulfilled mosaic-фриз memorial hall.

Created a stained glass window for the building of the Soviet Embassy in Berlin (1949), mosaic triptych "the Soviet Army" (1959), the plafond of the auditorium of the Palace of culture of miners in Vorkuta (1959), mosaics projects for the monument of Victory in Moscow (1968-1969).

was Engaged in book and magazine graphics. Collaborated with publishers Izogiz, Voenizdat, "Soviet Russia", "art", "fiction"; with the magazine "Soviet soldier", "Twinkle". He drew illustrations to the books: "Stories" А. М. Горького (1948), "Cavalier of the Golden Star" С. П. Бабаевского (1952), "having stood, we will win. Note commander 62-й company В. И. Чуйкова (1960, in collaboration with other artists).

the author of the posters: "the Glory of Stalin's Guards!", (1945), "Tips — is the highest form of democracy" (1958), "Glory to Soviet artillerists!" (1959, with Н. В. Денисовым), "World — the will of the people!", "Long live the Soviet youth!" (both — 1960, together with Н. В. Денисовым), "In line seven" (1961), "Disarmament — imperative of our time" (1979); sketches for postcards.

From 1940 — participated in exhibitions. Member SSH (MOSH, 1943). Exhibited: Moscow artists during the great Patriotic war (1942), the military artists Studio them. М. Б. Грекова (1942-1945, 1950, 1963), Artists of the Soviet poster (1948, 1950), all-Union art exhibitions (1949, 1969), a "40 лет of the Soviet Armed forces" (1958), "15 лет since the victory of the" (1961), "Artists-журналисты in the great Patriotic war" (1961) in Moscow; traveling exhibition of Soviet artists (1954-1955, Omsk, Vladivostok, Sverdlovsk); the Exhibition, 20-летию the military artists Studio them. М. Б. Грекова in Moscow (1955), Leningrad (1955-1956) and Tallinn (1956). Participant of several exhibitions of Soviet art abroad: in Helsinki (1950), Warsaw (1951). Held a personal exhibition in Moscow (1978).

the Work presented in the State Tretyakov gallery, the Central Museum of armed forces in Moscow, Military-историческом Museum of artillery, engineer and signal corps in St. Petersburg, Rybinsk state historical-архитектурном and art Museum-заповеднике.


1. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Painting of the first half of the twentieth century. M., 2009, vol. 6, kN. 1. S. 268.

2. The state Tretyakov gallery. The collection catalogue. Figure of the twentieth century. M., 2012, vol. 3, kN. 2. S. 97.

3. Artists of the peoples of the USSR. Biobibliographic dictionary. M., 1976, vol. 3. P.132-133.

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