Art Investment


ATKINSON Thomas Uitlem (Atkinson Thomas Witlam)

1799 (Yorkshire) - 1861 (Kent)

Architect, schedule

Biographical details are scarce. Systematic arts education did not receive in his youth worked as a stone carver, painter, studied Gothic architecture. Since 1827 undertaken a number of buildings, mainly churches and other public facilities in London and Manchester.

In 1842, he traveled to Germany, where he met Alexander von Humboldt, under the influence of which in 1848-1853 made a trip to the Asian part of Russia, received a special permit of Nicholas I. In the journey performed over 500 landscape sketches. Upon his return to England published the book: "Eastern and Western Siberia» (Oriental & Western Siberia, 1858), "Travels in Upper and Lower Amur» (Travels in the Region of the Upper & Lower Amoor, 1860), which brought him fame as a researcher and artist. In 1858, Atkinson was elected a member of the Royal Geographical Society in 1859 - the Geological Society.

Atkinson's works are in several museum collections, among them - the State Russian Museum, Krasnoyarsk Art Museum. VISurikova and others.

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