Art Investment


KONDRATOV Fedor Filippovich

February 1897 (Moscow) — 1 января 1944 (Moscow)

the set Designer, graphic

Studied in Moscow at the Stroganov art Central-промышленном College (1910-1915), State free art workshops — VKhUTEMAS (1919-1923). The diploma work — sketches of scenery and costumes for the Comedy А. С. Грибоедова "Woe from wit".

he Lived in Moscow. Participated in the design of the red square to revolutionary holidays (1919, 1928); streets and squares of the city to the Congress of the third international (1921). During his studies began working in the theatre; has issued performances "the Power of darkness" Л. Н. Толстого and "the landlady" К. Гольдони in the Moscow military theatre (both — 1918); "Whirlwind" В. Я. Шишкова in the Moscow Proletkult theater (1919).

From 1928 worked at the Leningrad Theatre of working youth (TRAM), for which he designed the performances: "Druzhnaya Gorka" Н. И. Львова (1928, together with И. Н. Вусковичем), "Roof" А. С. Горбатенко (1931), "West fight" (1932) В. В. Вишневского That "Oaf" Д. И. Фонвизина (1933), "Days of our lives" Л. Н. Андреева (1934), "Deep province" М. А. Светлова (1936) and others.

In 1920-30-х worked for 1-го Moscow children's theatre; has issued the production of the play "the Nutcracker" after the tale Э. Т.-А. Гофмана (1923), "the Tale of Tsar Saltan" based on the tale А. С. Пушкина (1937), "William tell" Ф. Шиллера (1939), "the snow Queen" fairy tale Г.-Х. Андерсена (1940). Also collaborated in the Moscow puppet theater ("Mr.-Твистер" on the story С. Я. Маршака, 1930); Leningrad new theatre ("Not all cat Shrovetide" А. Н. Островского, 1933); the Moscow theater of the Revolution ("the Truth" А. Е. Корнейчука, 1937), Theatre. Е. Б. Вахтангова ("Not so live as you want" А. Н. Островского, 1939 — is not implemented) and others.

during the great Patriotic war he designed the concert program at the Moscow theater of miniatures: "anti-Fascist songs", "Moscow heroic" (both — 1941); military programs — speech brigade of the Kiev academic drama theatre. Ivan Franko, the Kazakh team (both — 1942). He performed a number of posters for "Window TASS": "Partisan", "the organ-grinder became now very sad voice" (both — 1942) and others.

In the first half of 1930-х was engaged in book graphics; collaborated on GIESE, the publishing house "Young guard". Issued books: "Uneasy neighbors" С. З. Федорченко That "Puzzle" Л. Рубинштейн That "New house" and "Store" Е. Я. Тараховской That "Airplane" П. Лацариса, Ф. Ф. Кондартова (all — 1930), "Day signals" Н. Н. Асеева the "Pie" П. Г. Антокольского (both — 1931), a collection of "October" (1932, in collaboration with other artists), "Bad master" М. А. Гершензона (1933, 1935).

From 1926 — participant of exhibitions (2-я exhibition of film posters in Moscow). A member of OST (1926-1930), the Exhibitor 2-й exhibition Society (1926). Participated in exhibitions: "Artists of the Soviet theatre for XVII years" (1935), "the Theatre at the front" (1941-1942) in Leningrad and Moscow; "Moscow Theatres for XX years" (1937), theatre artists (1939), exhibition poster (1942) in Moscow; the international exhibition "Art of book" Paris and Lyon (1931-1932).

he Taught at the theatre-декорационном Department of VKhUTEMAS (1924-1927); among students — А. Д. Кузнецова.

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State Central theater Museum im. А. А. Бахрушина.

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