Art Investment


Kondrat'ev, Pavel M.

14 (27) November 1902 (Saratov) — 26 апреля 1985 (Leningrad)

Painter, graphic artist

Studied in the Studio of Proletkult in Rybinsk (1919-1921) М. М. Щеглова then studied in VKhUTEMAS — VHUTEIN in Leningrad (1922-1927) А. И. Савинова, А. Е. Карева, М. В. Матюшина.

he Worked as a custodian in the Rybinsk historical-художественном Museum (1920). Since 1922 he lived in Petrograd — Leningrad. In 1925-1932 — member of the group "masters of analytical art" П. Н. Филонова; one of the first students of his workshop in Vhuteine. In "Filonov manner" has created a series of graphic "Composition" (1928-1932), "Dynamite" (1928). Together with Т. Н. Глебоовой participated in a production of the Opera Р. Вагнера "mastersingers of Nuremberg" for the state Small Opera theatre in Leningrad (1932). After the collapse of the group up to 1935 continued to work under the guidance П. Н. Филонова.

In 1932-1935 he also worked in the Studio К. С. Малевича; after his death, he studied the system of Malevich, with the assistance К. И. Рождественского, Л. А. Юдина, Н. М. Суетина.

Participated in the design of mass celebrations. 1930-х worked mainly in book graphics; collaborated in the state publishing house, the publishing house "Children's literature" and others. Was close to the Oberiuty; had friendly relations with Д. Хармсом (the name of the artist named a number of characters'). He drew illustrations to the books: "Beyonce at the Palace" О. Ф. Берггольц (1930), "One... two... two" В. Цауме (1932), "Biberman" А. В. Разумовского (1933), "the Walrus of discord" Ю. С. Рытхэу (1957), "North story" Ю. Полозова (1957), "Snake's Apple" Н. А. Заболоцкого (1972, in collaboration with other artists).

the Author easel cycles (paintings and drawings): "the North Caucasus", "Valday", "Ukraine" (1938-1941), "Artisans" (1949), "Memories of Chukotka" (1953-1972), "Pskov land" (1956-1972), ""Sheaves", "Catastrophe", "Kettles", "Candle", "self-Immolation" (all — 1960-70-е), "Sisters of mercy" (1980-е).

In 1941-1945 — chief of the camouflage service in the air force of the Baltic fleet; has created a series of sketches and drawings. In 1950-60-е worked in industrial graphics (trademarks of factory "Turbostal", cooperative "TW the sewing industry"). Drew for magazines "Fire", "Neva". In 1960-х closer to the range В. В. Стерлигова and Т. Н. Глебовой; she developed her own pictorial-пластический method, similar to the system В. В. Стерлигова and based on a creative and spiritual search of masters of the "classical avant-garde". Had a significant influence on artists of the next generation — В. Ф. Матюх, П. Волкова, В. П. Поварову.

From 1927 — participant of exhibitions (exhibition of masters of analytical art, Leningrad). Member LOSH — the Leningrad Union of artists. Exhibited: "Modern Leningrad artistic groups" (1928-1929), works by Leningrad artists (1939, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1958, 1960, 1961, 1964, 1975, 1978), "Book easel graphics of Leningrad artists" (1955), spring exhibition of works by Leningrad artists (1955, 1956, 1965, 1970), autumn exhibition of Leningrad artists (1956, 1958, 1978) in Leningrad by Leningrad artists of industry and decorative-прикладного of art (1950) in Moscow and Leningrad, Leningrad artists in Kiev (1938), 3-й the all-Union exhibition watercolors (1972) in Moscow and others. Held a personal exhibition in the House of writers in Leningrad (1980).

a Memorial exhibition of works took place in Saint-Петербурге (2009); in 1995 in Saint-Петербурге (state exhibition hall "Manege") hosted the exhibition "П. М. Кондратьев and artists of his circle".

Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State Russian Museum, the Pushkin Museum im. А. С. Пушкина and others.

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