Access to databases and analytical tools map ARTinvestment.RU has been paid
Open subscription for full access to the site ARTinvestment.RU
Today, access to information, copyright ARTinvestment.RU became chargeable. The full use of databases and analytical tools can be a subscription site.
Subscribe, you can work with Auction sales statistics, descriptions and images of work, indicators of investment risk and investment attractiveness index of artists. In addition, subscribers receive full access to the extended ratings of artists (of 18 ratings in each of about 400 names).
Free is still possible to get acquainted with all the publications site ARTinvestment.RU - as news, and analysis; to use some information about the pictures and biographies of artists, working with the obscherynochnymi indices ARTIMX families and ARTIMXba .
cost of subscription and payment options
subscription for full access to the site ARTinvestment.RU can be made at the following dates:
- 1 year (12 months) - 6 800 rubles;
- six months (6 months) - 5 100 rubles;
- 1 month - 1 700 rubles.
Payment of subscription, you can implement plastic cards Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club International, JCB International, or wire transfer of money through the bank or any commercial bank.
Orientation access to the site to pay subscription
Read the information provided by the site ARTinvestment.RU subscribers can pay to subscribe to the pages of artists: Mark Chagall , Lanskoe Andre , DA Nalbandian . For access to all the works, auction sales statistics, indicators and indices of risk in the investment attractiveness of these artists need to register on the site ARTinvestment.RU at Register and then write on the site (see detailed instructions on how to authorize website ).
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